The fastest and easiest way to calculate percentages (%)

The method of calculating percentages may sound simple but actually quite complicated, to get the most accurate results we need to rely on many different factors. With different data we will calculate different percentages, in addition to conventional percentage methods we can also use Excel spreadsheets to calculate faster.

Usually based on a specific number we will compare the percentage of growth, the percentage of capital, the percentage of interest, the increase and decrease, etc. Generally for people who do not work with numbers very often, the percentage calculation is very complicated, but if you understand the nature of the calculation, it becomes quite simple. Below is a detailed breakdown of how to calculate percentages in different forms.

How to calculate the percentage of growth

Calculate the percentage of growth used to compare the growth rates between months, quarters or years of the same specific unit. For example, compare the percentage growth of a company from previous year to next year, last month to next month, etc. Especially, this percentage may be negative in case the business result of the previous year is inferior to the following year.

Example problem:

Calculating the growth percentage of an enterprise A. Knowing that the business results of enterprise A in 2018 is VND 200 billion, in 2017 it is VND 150 billion.

The percentage growth in 2018 is calculated as follows:

  • (2018 revenue - 2017 revenue) / 2017 revenue * 100 = (200 - 150) / 150 * 100 = 33.33%

Thus we conclude that the growth rate of 2018 compared to 2017 increased by 33.33%.

(% of growth, profit ...) = (Next year - Previous year) / Previous year * 100 = the result.

How to calculate the percentage

Calculating a percentage as a percentage is one of the most frequently used percentages. We will calculate the percentage of an individual out of multiple individuals within a particular population. This percentage calculation is actually quite easy to calculate, we just need to divide the total number of individuals and multiply by 100 to get the percentage needed.

Example of calculating% of A and B:

  • Percentage of A = A / (A + B) * 100 (%).
  • Percentage of B = B / (A + B) * 100 (%) or% B = 100 -% A.

We will calculate the percentage of a specific problem as follows. Class 3A has a total of 60 students, of which 20 are good students, 10 are good students and the rest are good students. Calculate the percentage of students who are good, fair and average.

  • % of excellent students: 20/60 * 100 = 33.33%
  • % of students getting good: 10/60 * 100 = 16.67%
  • % of average students: 30/60 * 100 = 50% or 100 - 33,33 - 16,67 = 50%

% of student A = Total students / (Number of students A + Number of students B) * 100

Calculate the percentage of work done

Calculating percent complete is also one of the most simple calculations. The general formula is A / B * 100. Where A is the number achieved and B is the number of targets set. Based on the number achieved and the target number we will calculate the% of work done.


The goal of the Vietnam Athletics Federation at Sea Games 30 is to reach 40 gold medals, in fact the athletics team has won 45 gold medals. Ask the track and field team has completed how many% of the set target.

  • % completion of track and field team = 45/40 * 100 = 112.5%

News athlete athletes team has exceeded the goal and reached 112.5%.

% Achieved = Revenue achieved / Revenue set out * 100

Calculate percentage increase or decrease in price

This percentage calculation is also frequently applied and is especially used when buying and selling items in bulk. People need to calculate carefully to buy the best price. However, the method of increasing and decreasing percentages is different, please refer to the example to get the most accurate calculation.

Percentage discount

Illustrative example: Blood pressure monitor Omron Hem 7120 in the market is 950,000 VND, the price at Meta company is 19% cheaper. Calculate the price of Blood Pressure Monitor Omron Hem 7120 at Meta company.

  • Amount of Omron Hem 7120 biceps blood pressure monitors reduced at Meta = 950,000 * 19/100 = VND 180,500

So the price of Blood Pressure Monitor Omron Hem 7120 = 950,000 - 180,500 = 769,950 VND

Amount reduced = Percentage * Price / 100

Percentage increase

Illustrative example: It is also the Omron Hem 7120 Blood pressure monitor with the tax price of VND 700,000, the VAT of this item is 10%. Calculate the taxed price of the device above.

  • VAT of blood pressure monitor: 700,000 * 10/100 = 70,000 VND

So the price of blood pressure monitor after tax: 700,000 + 70,000 = 770,000 VND

Amount increased compared to cost price = Percentage * Price / 100

How to calculate the percentage of bank interest

It seems that bank interest rates bring a lot of difficulties to those who do not calculate often. But basically the calculation is not complicated at all. Take a look at the example below to learn how to calculate.


The bank interest rate is 7% for 6 month term. Calculate the monthly interest received and the interest after 6 months when you deposit VND 300,000,000.

  • Monthly interest rate = (300,000,000 * 7/100) / 12 = 1,750,000 VND
  • 6-month interest rate = 1,750,000 * 6 = VND 10,500,000

Interest = Deposit amount *% interest rate / 100 * time of deposit / time of deposit

Calculate percentages in Excel , WPS Spreadsheets

It is not uncommon for Microsoft Office Excel to be included here, this office tool helps you to statistic and calculate a lot of different parameters, and of course at some point it will have to calculate the%. Depending on the circumstances, the calculation will be different. Alternatively you can use Spreadsheets of WPS.

However, you can rely on the easiest way is to calculate% to decimals then format% format to display% numbers, more specifically you can follow the way below with WPS SpeardSheets .

Step 1: For example, you are required to calculate the number of% of goods sold, simply divide by the number of sold goods divided by the total number of products ( not multiplied by 100 ).

The fastest and easiest way to calculate percentages (%)

Step 2: At this point, the value you just shared is displayed with the decimal number (less than 1 and greater than 0) , depending on each calculation, it may be greater than 0 and less than 1.

Next, highlight all and right-click it, then choose Format Cells.

The fastest and easiest way to calculate percentages (%)

Step 3: In the Format Cells table , in the Category section , select Percentage to convert the value to a percentage. As for the Decimal Places line, it shows the number rounded after the comma, depending on whether you can choose 2 or 4 numbers so that the value is displayed in detail in the Sample section .

The fastest and easiest way to calculate percentages (%)

Or do not like you can choose the number 0 to round the value and press OK.

The fastest and easiest way to calculate percentages (%)

And we will have the following result.

The fastest and easiest way to calculate percentages (%)

For the remaining percentage of goods, you can subtract 1% from the number of goods sold, and then choose to display the percentage with Format Cells as above.

The fastest and easiest way to calculate percentages (%)

Hopefully the above percentages will help you with your studies and work!

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