Turning on the auto-capitalization feature in Excel will save you a lot of time and effort. After turning on this feature, just typing normally will automatically switch to uppercase, instead of having to hold down the Shift key to capitalize.
Instructions to enable automatic capitalization of the first letter of a sentence in Excel
Step 1: At the main interface of Excel, click the File tab , then select Options in the bottom left corner.
Step 2: The Excel Options window appears, click on the Proofing tab , then click on AutoCorrect Options…
AutoCorrect Options
Step 3: At the AutoCorrect tab , check the Capitalize first letter of sentences item , then click OK to complete the installation.
Check the box Capitalize first letter of sentences
Step 4: Return to the Excel sheet, just type normally without pressing Shift, the first letter of the sentence will be automatically converted to uppercase.
Excel Spreadsheet
Thus, you have successfully turned on the auto-capitalization feature in Excel, thereby saving a lot of time in the process of using it.