microsoft excel

How to fix the error of printing blank pages in Microsoft Excel

How to fix the error of printing blank pages in Microsoft Excel

How to fix the error of printing blank pages in Microsoft Excel. Why do some Excel documents not display data or contain blank pages when printed? Below are the reasons

How to pin Word, Excel and PowerPoint files to the corresponding app icon on the Windows 11 taskbar

How to pin Word, Excel and PowerPoint files to the corresponding app icon on the Windows 11 taskbar

How to pin Word, Excel and PowerPoint files to the corresponding app icon on the Windows 11 taskbar, How to pin Office files to the taskbar icon on Windows 11? Invite

How to fix the error of not being able to save Excel files on Windows

How to fix the error of not being able to save Excel files on Windows

How to fix the error of not being able to save an Excel file on Windows. If you can't save the Excel file, don't worry too much. Below are ways to fix the error of not being able to save the above Excel file

How to insert a picture into a cell using VBA in Excel

How to insert a picture into a cell using VBA in Excel

How to insert a picture into a cell using VBA in Excel, You can easily insert pictures into Excel spreadsheets and edit them with macro code. Here's how to insert images

How to synchronize responses on Microsoft Forms with Excel

How to synchronize responses on Microsoft Forms with Excel

How to sync Microsoft Forms responses with Excel, Want to sync Microsoft Forms responses with Excel spreadsheets? Here's how to do it easily

How to change uppercase and lowercase letters in Excel

How to change uppercase and lowercase letters in Excel

To be able to easily change uppercase and lowercase letters in Excel, Microsoft has given us some functions to convert. The following article will provide the functions to support.

IF and IFS functions in Excel: Usage and specific examples

IF and IFS functions in Excel: Usage and specific examples

The IF function in Microsoft Excel is one of the most commonly used logical functions. In the simplest sense, the IF function will return a result based on one or several input comparison data.

Learn Excel - Lesson 6: How to filter unique values ​​and delete duplicate values ​​in Excel

Learn Excel - Lesson 6: How to filter unique values ​​and delete duplicate values ​​in Excel

Filtering unique values ​​and deleting duplicate data is a basic operation that everyone needs to know when using Excel. Join us to learn how to do it in Excel!

How to determine odd and even numbers in Excel

How to determine odd and even numbers in Excel

Determining even and odd numbers is one of the regular jobs of the accounting industry. The following article will guide people to determine odd and even numbers in Excel.

3 ways to fix numeric formatting errors when using Mail Merge in Microsoft Word

3 ways to fix numeric formatting errors when using Mail Merge in Microsoft Word

One of Mail Merge's long-standing annoyances is the inability to correctly format numbers in Excel. Fortunately, we always have a way out. Here are 3 ways to fix number formatting errors in Mail Merge.

Learning Excel - Lesson 11: Importing and exporting text files

Learning Excel - Lesson 11: Importing and exporting text files

There are two simple ways to import data from a text file (.txt or .csv) into Excel. To export data from Excel to a text file, use the Save As command and change the file type from the drop-down menu.

Instructions for using Name Box in Excel

Instructions for using Name Box in Excel

Name Box in Microsoft Excel is an extremely useful feature. You already know all the uses and usage of Name Box yet? Join us to find out!

Instructions to insert checkboxes in Excel

Instructions to insert checkboxes in Excel

Microsoft Excel is a software that helps you track progress and make lists effectively, you can even insert checkboxes into spreadsheets.

How to share and cancel sharing Microsoft Excel files with others

How to share and cancel sharing Microsoft Excel files with others

Thanks to its handy features, Microsoft Excel of Microsoft Office has become one of the most commonly used office tools today. One of the advantages not to be missed by this spreadsheet tool is the ch feature

Page numbering in Excel 2016/2013/2010/2007

Page numbering in Excel 2016/2013/2010/2007

When doing word processing or working on spreadsheets, one of the most important and essential things is page numbering. Not only helps users easily manipulate, but the number of Excel pages also helps us manage and work effectively

How to insert a PDF file into Excel

How to insert a PDF file into Excel

Adding PDF files to Excel will make working with this spreadsheet tool much more efficient and professional.

Instructions for sending emails from Excel spreadsheets using VBA scripts

Instructions for sending emails from Excel spreadsheets using VBA scripts

Using VBA scripts in Excel does not require any programming knowledge. VBA helps you do many advanced tasks such as creating a spreadsheet report containing all PC information, emailing directly from a spreadsheet ...

How to convert time to decimal in Excel

How to convert time to decimal in Excel

If you are not sure how to convert time to decimal numbers in Excel, the following article will guide us to do this with a few simple steps.

Instructions on how to create calendar 2020 in Excel easiest

Instructions on how to create calendar 2020 in Excel easiest

You can create calendars using Microsoft Excel from existing templates or create your own. This article will show you how to make a simple calendar using Excel.

How to get the integer part of a number in Excel

How to get the integer part of a number in Excel

Taking the integer part of a number makes our computation and statistics easier. The following article will guide you to split whole part of a number in Excel.

Learn Excel - Lesson 7: Move & copy cell contents in Excel

Learn Excel - Lesson 7: Move & copy cell contents in Excel

Let's continue learning how to copy or move cell content in Microsoft Excel!

Instructions for setting up Ribbon in Microsoft Excel 2016

Instructions for setting up Ribbon in Microsoft Excel 2016

You can personalize the Microsoft Excel 2016 Ribbon to suit your specific usage needs and the following is an article to guide you to do that.

Top Excel spreadsheet templates to help you manage your finances effectively

Top Excel spreadsheet templates to help you manage your finances effectively

Knowing the financial situation of yourself or the organization is really important. It helps you spend and make smarter financial planning, thus increasing your revenue or not falling into wasteful purchases.

Top Excel spreadsheet templates to help you organize your life effectively

Top Excel spreadsheet templates to help you organize your life effectively

The free Excel spreadsheet templates below will help you improve your quality of life, spend money and get things done efficiently.

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