
How to set up LibreOffice Writer to work like Microsoft Word

How to set up LibreOffice Writer to work like Microsoft Word

Learn how to set up LibreOffice Writer to work like Microsoft Word for a seamless transition between the two platforms.

How to pin Word, Excel and PowerPoint files to the corresponding app icon on the Windows 11 taskbar

How to pin Word, Excel and PowerPoint files to the corresponding app icon on the Windows 11 taskbar

How to pin Word, Excel and PowerPoint files to the corresponding app icon on the Windows 11 taskbar, How to pin Office files to the taskbar icon on Windows 11? Invite

How to fix the error of not being able to save Word files

How to fix the error of not being able to save Word files

How to fix the error of not being able to save a Word file, what should I do if I can't save a Word file? This article will guide you in detail on the simplest way to fix the error of not being able to save a Word file.

How to enter text using the phones camera in Microsoft Word

How to enter text using the phones camera in Microsoft Word

How to enter text using your phone's camera in Microsoft Word. Do you want to scan documents and insert text into Word? WebTech360 will show you how to import documents

How to convert tables into images in Microsoft Word

How to convert tables into images in Microsoft Word

How to convert a table to an image in Microsoft Word, Want to convert a table to an image in Microsoft Word or save it as an image outside of the document?

How to align 2-sided printed pages symmetrically in Word

How to align 2-sided printed pages symmetrically in Word

How to align 2-sided printed pages symmetrically in Word, For long documents, if you want to print on both sides and then bind the spine into a volume for convenience, you need to align the margins before printing.

How to Change a Picture to Black and White in Microsoft Word

How to Change a Picture to Black and White in Microsoft Word

How to Change a Picture to Black and White in Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word has several simple color adjustment options so that you can quickly and easily style the images in your Word document. Whether you want to create an artistic masterpiece or simply get your document to match your printer’s settings, you can change your images to black and white in Word.

How to change color image to black and white in Microsoft Word

How to change color image to black and white in Microsoft Word

With Word, users can easily convert color images to black and white just like Photoshop does.

How to create a notebook with elementary handwriting in Word

How to create a notebook with elementary handwriting in Word

Do you want to design your own handwritten elf notebook with handwriting? With just a few steps in the tutorial below, you can quickly create a beautiful notebook template with the familiar Word document editing tool.

How to change the Shift Enter sign to Enter in Word

How to change the Shift Enter sign to Enter in Word

While surfing the web, I encountered some good documents, copied to Word to edit into a complete copy. But when re-aligning, words are stretched out of rows, like when using Shift + Enter instead of Enter to descend.

Instructions for deleting horizontal lines in Word

Instructions for deleting horizontal lines in Word

Word, an indispensable tool for office workers when editing documents and editing documents to create professionally presented and arranged documents, Word often comes with Excel and PowerPoint in the Microsoft Office suite, caters to many types

How to align correctly in Word to print beautifully

How to align correctly in Word to print beautifully

To print out beautiful pages, before printing, you should align your Word documents properly. Please follow along with the instructions to know how to do it.

Fixed an error where the letter i automatically converted into the letter I in Word

Fixed an error where the letter i automatically converted into the letter I in Word

Surely many of us when writing text in Word have encountered errors where the lowercase letter i automatically switches to uppercase, right? This error is quite annoying, just typing back to fix it is very time consuming.

How to remove links, remove all links in Word

How to remove links, remove all links in Word

A text with too many hyperlinks will make people confused and sometimes a wrong click makes them uncomfortable. So how to remove hyperlink in Word most effectively?

How to use the ruler ruler in Word

How to use the ruler ruler in Word

Microsoft Word is a text editing tool that is widely chosen by users, because it provides so many useful features. You can enter mathematical formulas, draw charts, insert images, videos, embed links ... extremely quickly and conveniently.

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