Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

Video Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

Current PDF files are used by many people to create lectures or tutorials so that users can understand the content of lectures and tutorials more easily. With PDF files you can add images to the file, edit the content, even add audio files into your PDF file and send it to your friends.

To edit PDF files, you will need Foxit Reader, the most popular PDF editing tool today, Foxit Reader provides many necessary features to meet the needs of editing PDF files today such as creating PDF files, add and edit PDF content, create signatures, notes, you can even set password protection and print PDF files as easily as possible.

If the PDF file is supported with additional audio content, surely the learner will understand more about the lessons contained in your PDF file, today will guide you how to add audio files to the PDF file. with Foxit Reader. First of all, please refer to the article on how to install Foxit Reader on your computer to know how to install Foxit Reader.

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Instructions to add audio files to PDF files with Foxit Reader

Step 1: After installing, open Foxit Reader on your computer by right-clicking the icon on the desktop and clicking Open .

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

If you cannot find the icon on the main screen, you can open it with the virtual assistant Cortana , turn it on and search for the keyword Foxit Reader, you will see the software icon appear, click on it to open.

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

Step 2 : Click File to open or create a PDF file.

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

Step 3: Click Open and select the PDF file available on your computer, if you do not have a PDF file on your computer, you can click Create to create a new file for yourself.

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

Step 4: In the Create column, select Blank , then another blank file will appear in the Create Blank PDF column next to it, click the Blank file in the Create Blank PDF column to create.

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

Step 5: In the Insert window in the Home tab, select Audio & Video to add the audio file to the content in the file.

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

Step 6: Then drag the mouse to create a blue translucent frame on the word or picture you want to attach the file, usually in English lectures they will use this tool to add audio files for words or pictures. They want to attach the sound so students can hear it.

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

Step 7: After selecting the word you want to attach the audio to, select Browse ... to select the attached file, and the Show Player is for you to display the audio player attached from the attached image or image. If you tick this, the player will be displayed on the selected image or attached, uncheck choose you will not see a player that will only sound is emitted only.

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

Step 8: Select the audio file you want to insert into the PDF file and click Open.

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

Selected, click OK to insert the content in the file.

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

Step 9: When the content has been attached to the audio file, you will see a red frame with squares in the corners, you can hold the mouse on the square and drag the small - red frame there. You can also hold that red frame and hover over the other location you want to attach.

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

After you have inserted the file, you can check by selecting the Hands tool in the left corner of the Home tab , then select the file that has been attached to the audio file before.

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

Next click Play to play the audio file and Reject to cancel, next time if you do not want to display this message, please tick the box Remember choice until I close the document.

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

As mentioned in Step 7 , if you select Show Player , the player will be displayed on the content attached to the audio file, if your content is a lecture and the audio is played in a short period of time. then uncheck Show Player. And if you insert a whole paragraph or song, you select the Show Player to be able to edit.

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

You can edit by right-clicking and selecting the options available on it such as: Stop or continue, stop completely, adjust the volume high or low, run fast or slow audio ...

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

And if you uncheck Show Player, there will be no detector on the inserted content, this will be convenient for short-duration audio content, such as only pronouncing a short English word. then you should uncheck Show Player.

Instructions for inserting audio into PDF files with Foxit Reader

Above is the guide to add audio files to PDF files through Foxit Reader, although the simple but quite convenient method in lectures or tutorials, can help you convey knowledge, receive knowledge. The most effective way, in addition, you can refer to the article on how to edit content on PDF files in detail to know how to edit the content on your PDF file.

Good luck.

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