How many hair whorls does your baby have? Lets see what whirlpool says about a childs personality and future

The folk whirls on the head of a child can indicate personality, destiny and intelligence level. Let's see exactly how this is.

Our body whirlpool (in addition to hair whorl) can also have up to 32 other vortices located along the entire skin of the body. However, specially shaped vortices such as a spiral, a heart shape are often easily identifiable and noticeable above all on the top of the head.

Normally, 80-90% of ordinary people have only 1 hair whorl. Also, some people whirring more than 1 like 2, 3 and even 4 bring special predictions about a child's personality and future.

Decode the child's personality through the amount of eddies on the head

If the child has a hair whorl

How many hair whorls does your baby have?  Let's see what whirlpool says about a child's personality and future


Whirlpool on the child's head - 1 whirl

According to folk beliefs, children with counter-clockwise hair whorls are considered to be happy, or lucky and good.

For children with a hair whorl, you will have a steadfast character, not afraid of difficulties and step back from the challenges and circumstances of life. These will also be children who when growing up often live honestly, have discipline in life, but it is not easy for others to bully them.

The child's hair whirlpool has 2

How many hair whorls does your baby have?  Let's see what whirlpool says about a child's personality and future


Whirlpool on the child's head - 2 swirls

Compared with people with 1 whirlpool, children with 2 hairs are not common. Folk beliefs often say that these are people who are easy to love and love flowers.

But some other conceptions that these two vortices have special meanings. The first whirlpool helps children get many good things and luck. And the second vortex means that a child is blessed and should be reincarnated to be born with parents in this life.

However, in general, the ancients believe that children with two vortices are usually intelligent, alert, learned, have a creative mind, like thinking and doing things unlike anyone else. These kids also often succeed in life where they are proficient.

Children have 3 or more hair swirls

How many hair whorls does your baby have?  Let's see what whirlpool says about a child's personality and future


Whirlpool on the child's head - 3 or more swirls

It can be said that the number of children wearing 3 or more hairs is quite rare. However, the ancient conception records of children with 3 hairs also say that these children often have great ambitions and aspirations, and also have a stubborn personality. One trait that can affect these children is that they often do without thinking properly. This makes it possible for children to stumble in life, but they will learn a lot from it.

For children with 3 or more hair twists, their destiny may go up and down, but in the end, you will have a good and successful life.


Currently, no evidence has been found to predict the fate of children with 4 hair whorls. But some theories also suggest that, 4-year-olds often possess an excellent intelligence, agile coping skills and great creativity.

What does science say about hair whorls on a child's head?

Several studies of hair whorls have shown that the hair whorl is a sign that the dominant or recessive gene from the parent will be revealed in the child. And the notions of predicting personality and destiny are only of specific personal nature.

What about the parents' baby? How many hair whorls do you have? And how many parts of your personality correspond to the above conception of the ancients? Please share with The Asianparent Vietnam at our website or on Facebook .

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