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Fix a bug where the TV screen is exposed
Fix a bug where the TV screen is exposed
Open screen is a fairly common error on television, especially TVs using LCD screens. This error is generally not too serious, but easy to make users feel uncomfortable. In the article below, WebTech360 will join you in more details about this phenomenon.
Light leaks on the TV screen appear to appear to be a white light, usually appearing around the edges or corners of the screen. To check more clearly if your TV has a light leak or not, open a program with a dark background (or the most obvious way is to connect your laptop, phone to the TV and choose a black wallpaper) . If the edges around the screen are glowing now even though the TV is still on a dark background, chances are your TV has been exposed.
Or during watching TV in dark scenes, users can easily notice the uneven light distribution on the frame, dark in the center but brighter in the edge areas, then surely the TV has been damaged. open the screen.
Light leaks almost only appear around the edge of the TV screen. Therefore, if you have light problems in the middle of the TV screen, don't rush to conclude that the TV has a light leak which could also be a dead spot or a problem with the screen digitizer.
- The TV is exposed because the light on the TV screen is unevenly distributed - some are too bright, some are too dark.
Devices using LCD screens are often at risk of light leaks because the LCD screen contrasts strongly with the white light output from the back light of the LCD screen.
- Due to improper assembly between the LCD screen and the backlight causes light to leak out around the edges of the screen, causing light leakage.
How to fix
Basically, light exposure usually does not seriously affect the movie experience. You can adjust the brightness and contrast of the TV so that the light output is not too strong. Thereby limiting the optimal light leakage error.
If you are a perfectionist, due to the psychological impact that makes you feel uncomfortable when discovering light leaks on your TV, it is not at all impossible to completely fix this light leak on TV. simple. For casual users it is not possible to fix this by themselves. At this point, you should contact the warranty center or home TV repair services so that they can fix it for you in the best way.
The above are some signs to identify the television with light leakage with some causes and remedial measures. If you still have any questions, please leave a comment below so we can better assist you.