Do you miss your ex? Apply these 16 ways right away to stop the problem

Are you missing your ex? If not, it was a lie. Because once a girl falls in love and then breaks up, how many people do not remember their ex?

“Breaking up does not seem like I carelessly miss anything? Breaking up is like my eyes when I don't love you anymore. Then we should break up, break up together ... "

While writing this article, the author is listening to the song "Farewell" by Bui Anh Tuan. An unintentional song fits this article. Being a girl must be strong, have to practice forgetting, right here, there must be ... Nothing at all! Girls can't cry? Girls can't be empty, can't they be lost? What to do when the world of full color suddenly becomes monochromatic? Painful black? Feels like you might die.

But don't be too sad! Because life goes on. And certainly your ex, sometimes they miss you. Practice forgetting and move on.

Do not contact your ex for at least 30 days

Difficult, very difficult! Every day, you update information about each other. Receive early messages of the day, hang out together. But now, all you need to do is cut off contact for at least 30 days. It doesn't matter which channel of communication. Facebook, Instagram, phone numbers, messages ... Just plain no contact.

Do you miss your ex?  Apply these 16 ways right away to stop the problem


Cut off contact is the first condition to forget each other

In short, do not let your mind remember him. Let your mind open, think more positive things .

Don't think and talk negatively

This is a minus point for girls. Whenever you break up, girls will fall to hell. You may think that you may be doing something wrong. He's not satisfied with you. Or you have something that makes him dislike. Or you will never find someone like him again.

Please people! This life is inherently interesting. Thought that was the best, but then there would be another one. So, if you break up with this person, it is not necessarily too terrible. And be confident that you are even more perfect than many people. Dont worry!

Remember your ex? But what do you really remember?

This is the question posed the most by many people. When you remember your ex, do you remember that person or the scenes you two have? Are the afternoons walking by the seaside? Or the days of taking pictures of fallen leaves? Is it possible that the object you remember is not the guy, but the memories with him?

Do you miss your ex?  Apply these 16 ways right away to stop the problem


Is it possible that you accidentally return to your memory?

In other words, wouldn't you want to have the same experience again, rather than be him? Think so positively. At that point, he is the perfect piece for you. But as time passed, the puzzle piece also deviated. And your job is to find another piece.

Write but not send

It sounds weird, but it's true. Science has proven that writing or confiding with someone helps to ease nostalgia. Maybe you miss him today, tomorrow. But in a month, the story will be different.

Write down everything you want to tell him. Write down all the issues you care about. What memories do you miss the most? The things you hate most and like most about him. After that, don't send the cup lest successfully. Write it down, and burn it with the wind. Your nostalgia also disappears.

Learn the way to accept

Many people cannot learn to let go. That is a very difficult thing in life. Yes, but it must be. Learning to let go and accept life is also how you grow. Ultimately, what you learn from that relationship becomes your experience and life skills.

Remember the bad things of your ex

There are pros and cons also. Benefit is how many bad habits, then remember all. In response to this situation, he would react with nonsense. The same goes for other situations. Remembering negative things will help me feel uncomfortable. And of course, everyone likes something comfortable. So gradually, you will forget him.

Do you miss your ex?  Apply these 16 ways right away to stop the problem


There are many things to forget

But what if you can't forget. At that time, you will feel more and more tired and bitter. So, do not strongly recommend this way. In general, do not idealize him. Everyone has bad points. Focusing on the bad point is forgetting right away.

Keep busy

Idle unwholesome. When there is nothing to do, memories come back . That is true. That's how the story is to rush into work to forget each other.

But being busy is true busy. Not that it takes hours to go online, surf Facebook, Instagram to gnaw memories. That is kind of ridiculous busyness. Go out with your friends!

Take care of yourself

Right! Instead of focusing on taking care of him, you now have more time to consider yourself. What do you want, need what? What does your body want to do. How is your fear now? What passion do you have? Has it been done yet? Let's chase away, wait for what?

Let the time soothe

I understand that. It's like doomsday. Feeling like you'll never get rid of that pain. Negative emotions overwhelmed. You want to come back, to be loved ...

Do you miss your ex?  Apply these 16 ways right away to stop the problem


Time will ease everything

But then, 1 month, 2 months, 1 year… You look back and realize that you are too childish. There is no pain that cannot be erased with time. Sadly ...

Get psychological counseling

Many girls who are "kicked" are often shocked. They are so hopeless that they are depressed. Someone tortures themselves. Someone even found the way to suicidal. Too foolish!

By what is the truth? It is also a disease. And the disease needs to be examined and treated. It is important to treat the right disease, to take the right medicine Psychologists and doctors are very experienced in this.

Remove mementos to overcome nostalgia

This is probably the first thing to do after a breakup. Heap of memories, photos, scarves he gave… Get rid of all the worthless things. It is up to you to throw it away, throw it away, or put it in storage. Whatever is useful, please use it. Just keep in mind that it is merely a towel, an item you buy from the shop.

Many people also have the habit of deleting photos on social networks. It depends. It doesn't matter. But as a girl, my heart hurts when I see it ...

Spend time with friends

Although the pain is your own. No one else can understand how painful it is. But this doesn't mean you have to gnaw alone.

Do you miss your ex?  Apply these 16 ways right away to stop the problem


Friends are people who can help you forget your pain

Tell your friends. Sharing always helps people to reduce fatigue. Not to mention, if mentally, friends will be the ones who know how to solve this problem.

Do not mention your ex in conversations

Try not to talk about him. Don't mention names, don't talk about habits, memories or anything related. The more you mention it, the more you'll miss it. Continuously talking about your ex can also affect your mood. Because now, behind a son who is always wholeheartedly loving, pampering, giving you a feeling of happiness, there is a word "Old".

Live science, optimism

Do not release negative substances from the mind. Feel the better of life. Instead of receiving negative feedback, create a new life for yourself. Gym, jogging, dancing ... Learn tea ceremony, kendo ... Anything that makes you less tired thinking about him.

Reduce nostalgia for your ex when traveling

Going too far to return. Traveling is the fastest way for you to forget someone. Contact with strangers. Talk to them. Learn about the culture there.

Do you miss your ex?  Apply these 16 ways right away to stop the problem


Travel is the fastest way to spend money ...

As long as you don't go to the places you used to be. Kiss someone where you kissed. Don't rent a hotel room that you and your guy used to stay in. Delete that image.

What if I can't forget my ex ???

If any of the above methods fail to erase his image, the best way is to try getting back with him. Should give each other more opportunities if the previous mistakes are not so terrible. Everyone wants peace. Surely he also wants the same.


Drink the wrong eye, drunk for a lifetime. Not everyone can find the right person for them. So, if the silhouette of people cannot be erased, give both of them another chance.

See more:

6 tips to help you reconnect your old love with your ex

Talking to ex is easy to follow the "old love does not invite love?"

The reasons you often dream about your ex and the reasons for these dreams

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