In mid-May 2017, Telegram has just released an updated version of Telegram 4.0 for mobile phones with some notable features such as support for sending video messages and Telescope. We all know that the voice message feature on Telegram is popular with many users because of its speed and simplicity. And now you have another new way to connect with people - that's to send video messages.
How to send video messages, video messages on Telegram
To send video messages, simply visit any chat window on Telegram and touch the microphone icon to switch to Camera Mode. Then tap and hold the camera icon to record a video message. Once completed, just release your finger from the movie button to review the short video, finally press the submit button.
Video messages are shot and sent very quickly because Telegram has compressed them and sent them right at the time of recording. To switch to hands-free mode, instead of holding down the Record button , you can swipe up to record movies automatically. Hands-free mode also applies to voice messages, which is very convenient when you drive or busy doing other tasks.
Video messages will be automatically downloaded and played automatically in the default format (you can change the settings if you do not want to consume mobile space). In general, its operation is similar to voice messages, only in the form of animations.
While viewing video messages, you can feel free to open other chat windows. The video message will be opened in pop-up format and located at the corner of the screen, played continuously until you hide it. You can move videos to any location on the Telegram interface, very convenient, right?
Get to know Telescope
Many famous stars gather their fans through public channels on Telegram . Video message is the bridge that helps them connect with fans directly and closest. However, the public channel does not always promote its full power.
That is why in Telegram 4.0 , the company has added a feature called Telescope - an intuitive video storage platform so that people can use videos to connect with the audience.
With Telescope, public video messages will be broadcast widely through the Telegram ecosystem. Telescope stores autoplay videos for an average of about 1 minute - a format similar to video messages in the Telegram chat application. Of course, you don't need a Telegram account to view them.
Every public channel on Telegram has a corresponding link, such as, in which every video will be played on the website and around the world. Every time you post a video message on a public channel, it will be automatically uploaded to and generate the URL for wider sharing.
With Telescope, even users who have not signed up for Telegram or installed Telegram on a mobile device can view the video messages you share, then share back on Twitter or Facebook if they want. As such, the spreading power of the video will be wider than the old way - ie internal sharing only on your Public Channel.
Above are the 2 most prominent features of the Telegram 4.0 version that the company has just launched in May 2017, helping users to interact with each other more than before. Especially for celebrities or businesses, Telescope is a fertile ground for you to develop your brand beyond the scope of Telegram service.