Rise Of Civilizations: How to play, tips, cheats & tactics to know

Video Rise Of Civilizations: How to play, tips, cheats & tactics to know

Rise Of Civilizations is a MMO strategy game to build a new empire that is causing "fever" on mobile. If you also love Rise Of Civilizations, do not hesitate to take some time to learn the instructions and helpful tips below.

Game creator Dank Tank recently released an entirely new empire building game for mobile devices, called Rise Of Civilizations. The game challenges players to develop the kingdom by building a series of buildings to help and protect residents from invaders. Rise Of Civilizations includes 8 civilizations, 20 heroes, expedition, PvP mode on neat UI. Gameplay is similar to other construction games but Rise Of Civilizations still climbs to the top of the hot mobile game rankings thanks to its excellent interface, diverse heroes or commanders and simple game mechanics. This article gives you everything you need to know about the game: how to play, cheats, tips & tactics to build the best empire.

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Basic Rise Of Civilizations guide

If you've ever played The War Of Genesis, Primal Wars or Mafia City , you can easily understand the mechanics of Rise Of Civilizations. But if you're playing the genre for the first time, you might have a little difficulty because you have to pay attention to a lot of things.

In Rise Of Civilizations , your main goal is to strengthen and protect the empire / rulers from invaders. Other players can attack your land and steal resources at any time. As the leader, you are responsible for protecting this empire by recruiting soldiers, commanding and upgrading buildings. Of course, you also need to lead, command the army to attack the land of other players to rob resources. In short, to strengthen the empire, you must train soldiers, upgrade buildings / equipment / buildings and the power of generals.

Rise Of Civilizations: How to play, tips, cheats & tactics to know

General (Commander)

In Rise Of Civilizations, the Commander (commander) takes on the role of leading military units in the battle and assisting soldiers with their skills, buffs and talents. Whether capturing an enemy, capturing a base, or experiencing an expedition mode, you can change the commander before you go into battle.

At the main game screen, in the lower left corner, touch the Menu button and select the commander. Then, on the next screen, on the left, you can check out the entire command. Just touch the character you want to check the stats, stars, skills and type; offensive soldiers / archers / neutralists / soldiers using nuclear weapons. If the commander has leadership skills, the character can grant powerful buffs to the soldier.

How to recruit talented generals

Go to City View => learn the inn equipment => touch the search / recruiting icon => open the crate . You will see two crates: silver & gold. High quality or dominant items can appear in the golden chest. You are free to open a silver chest after a certain period of time. These chests provide you with items such as speed boosts, EXP, Sculpture books (needed to level up stars or upgrade command skills) and generals.

How to upgrade the commander / hero

Rise Of Civilizations: How to play, tips, cheats & tactics to know

Go to the character menu, select the commander you want to upgrade => tap the + icon next to the level bar to use the knowledge book (EXP).

When the commander reaches the maximum level, you can level up the stars (from 1 to 2, 2 to 3 ...). Tap the arrow icon next to the star. On the next screen, select Sculpture to develop the command. Click auto-add to select automatically. You can get Sculptures from the chests in a tavern or in expedition mode.

Instructions for using Talent

Rise Of Civilization has the same gameplay as other MMO strategy games. Each time you upgrade, you will earn talent points (ability). They can be used to activate the commander's ability. Go to Commander screen > select command => press Talent => button on the next screen, you will see Talent tree . Tap the Talent icon to upgrade or activate it. When you tap this icon, you will get details about the buffs. Read it carefully before focusing on Talent.

Instructions for using Skill

Each commander has 4 skills. You can unlock new skills by raising stars or upgrading skills with Sculpture. Go to Commander menu > select Commander => Skills => Upgrade . You can find Sculptures in chests or complete challenges in Expedition mode.

Rise Of Civilizations: How to play, tips, cheats & tactics to know

The best commanders of Rise Of Civilizations

  1. Tomoe Gozen
  2. Pelagius
  3. A little high
  4. Minimoto no Yoshitsune
  5. Boudica
  6. Lohar
  7. Scipio

Tomoe Gozen is the best commander in the game (both in archery skills, attacks and buffs). Lohar, Cao Cao, Minimoto, Boudica, Scipio attacked well. Pelagius, Hermann is good at defense & attack.

However, commanding talent still depends entirely on how you use them. All you need to do is check the list of unlocked generals and flexibly transform their types and skills according to each tactic.

Rise Of Civilizations consists of 11 different types of commanders :

  1. Attacker - Good at attacking enemy bases / empires.
  2. Support - Help your teammates in battle.
  3. Infantry - Provides buffs for infantry units.
  4. Archer - Commander can increase the attack of the archery units and marching speed.
  5. Cavalry - If you own cavalry units (more than the others), take advantage of this type of hero because their skill buffs can increase marching speed & attack power.
  6. Nuker (Nuclear Weapon Control) - Strong radioactive skill.
  7. Jungler - Has an advantage when dealing with barbarians.
  8. Disabler - Limited ability to fight the enemy.
  9. Defender - Good at garrisoning (placing them at the wall)
  10. Gatherer - Increase collection speed (use this character to collect resources on the map).
  11. Leader - Grants powerful buffs to units.

You can check the command type below the character name in the Commander menu.

Rise Of Civilizations: How to play, tips, cheats & tactics to know

Instructions for using Building

Game Rise Of Civilizations has 2 types of buildings: economic and military, including:

  • City Hall - City Hall is the center of civilization. Without upgrading it, you cannot develop in the game.
  • Lumber Hill - Timber hill is a place of wood production.
  • Farm Shop - Food production.
  • Quarry - Quarrying place.
  • Post Trading - Join the alliance and use this medium, you can exchange sources with other members.
  • Courier Station - Business points.
  • Academy - Research Technology.
  • Storage - Protect the source from intruders.
  • Hospital - Heal the soldiers here.
  • Castle - Use rail feature.
  • Tavern - Command recruit, open the chest.
  • Scout Camp - Explore or find unprecedented locations.
  • Barrack - Training of infantry units.
  • Stable - Train cavalry units.
  • Siege Workshop - Train siege weapons.

Resources such as stone, food, and wood are needed when upgrading a building, training troops, researching and more. Invaders or other players can attack your land and steal resources. Increase the defense by upgrading walls, town hall, training soldiers, upgrading warehouses to avoid being robbed.

You can train soldiers & units in closed workshops, barracks, archery locations, stables. Upgrade these buildings to unlock new powers and troops (go through a survey at the academy first). Train soldiers to strengthen the kingdom. When marching, soldiers may be injured in battle. Take them to the hospital for treatment.

You can activate buffs or speed up production, construction, attack power, and defense by studying in the academy.

Instructions to fight

It is easy to win the battle in Rise Of Civilizations if your strength is superior to the enemy. If you do not know how to attack or operate the combat system, read on below:

On the main game screen, in the lower right corner, touch the world map icon. The game will then take you to the map to search for enemies. On the map screen, go to the lower left corner, on the castle icon, tap the search icon, then click the desired option, tap +/- to increase or decrease the level.

  • Barbarians - Hit the search button to find barbarians on the world map. When you see them, touch the enemy icon, then click the attack option. (Use Action Point points).
  • Cropland - To find farms on a world map. When you see it, touch the harvest option.
  • Logging Camp - If you need wood, look in this.
  • Stone - If you need stone
  • Gold Deposit - Gold mining.

After selecting, tap new soldier option & select the number of soldiers to participate in the battle. You can also change command from this menu. When done, press the march button.

Rise of Civilization play tactics need to know

1. Protect resources from being robbed

In Rise of Civilization, to upgrade, train soldiers, research and complete more tasks, you need resources. However, keep in mind that other players can attack the empire & steal that resource at any time. Here are some ways to protect resources:

  • Upgrade warehouse equipment to protect more resources.
  • Empower power (power) by training soldiers, upgrading infrastructure.
  • Research military technology in the academy.
  • Upgrading city walls and empire center (city hall).

2. Activate bonus buffs with research

In Academy, you can study two types of technologies: military and economics. Through research, you can activate bonus buffs. For example: Speeding up production by economic technologies. Attack power, training speed, new recruits, marching speed with military technology. You can even upgrade some technologies to increase their influence. Access this feature by going to City => Research / Academy => Economic or Military (touch the menu next to it).

3. Increase the command power

You can have a commander accompany soldiers or military units to attack. The commander's buffs can increase attack power, critical strike rate, and protect military units. All you need to do is unlock their abilities, skills, stars or main level.

4. Priority to exploration

Survey or spy on the details of the enemy before sending the commander or army into battle. Tap their base or empire on the world map => select exploration (Scout) => send soldiers (Send Troops). After a certain period of time, you will receive a detailed report of the enemy kingdom, including power, command ... See this report by touching the mail icon (lower right corner, on the menu button), It is in the Report tab. If the enemy is stronger than you, do not rush to start.

5. Focus on increasing strength

Here are the basic tasks to help you increase your power:

  • Upgrading the building.
  • Soldier training.
  • Collect resources.
  • Research.
  • Upgrade.

At the beginning of the game, it is better to complete or follow quests to progress quickly.

Rise Of Civilizations: How to play, tips, cheats & tactics to know

6. Get gifts

  1. Check your mail or inbox in the game, here, you will receive a large amount of rewards for newbie.
  2. Tap on the VIP option (on the main game screen => upper left corner => VIP) and request a free VIP ark for daily login.
  3. Go to the Tavern and get free silver chests.
  4. Complete mission.
  5. Link the game to your Google or Facebook account to receive gems.
  6. Join the alliance to get free gems.
  7. Go to the store => daily special gifts => request a free chest.
  8. Complete all daily objectives to receive free legendary chest.

7. Get help from teammates

Building alliance centers in the empire. It allows you to receive help from alliance members. You can also help other members and earn credits. Building trading stations, allowing you to exchange resources between alliance members and receive many other benefits. Therefore, join the guild as soon as possible.

8. Collect mysterious signs to activate buffs

Collect mysterious marks (Rune) on the map and activate buffs. You will benefit from buffs for a limited time depending on the type of mark. For example - Rise of Civilization has a sign called Rune of Evergreen that can increase wood production productivity by 7%. This is one of the best ways to increase soldiers' productivity, speed, attack ... You can find these signs near mountains and hills. All you need to do is lead the soldiers and the commander to collect them. The mysterious icon is located in the upper left corner of the screen when you get it. Touch it for more details. Remember that you can only activate one bookmark at a time. If you're planning to raid an enemy base, look for the Rune of Fury to increase your attack power.

9. Earn 100 activity points to win the most valuable prize.

Completing daily goals, the game gives you activity points. On certain routes, 20 - 40 - 60 - 80, you will receive a free chest. These chests contain items that accelerate, lock silver, gold lock, command EXP material ... From the 5th chest (when reaching 100 points), you will receive valuable prizes: 100 jewels, gold locks, magic boxes , the legendary commanding sculpture. You can easily earn these points just by investing some time in the game.

10. Focus on higher level units

You can upgrade troops or unlock new unit levels by researching military technology at the center. When unlocking is successful, train high units instead of choosing lower levels. The best part about Rise of Civilization is the upgrade option. Using it, you can upgrade trained units to a higher level. If you want to see the difference between low & high end units, tap the icon (i) in the lower right corner of the unit illustration.

Above is a strategy game to help you quickly clear the island of Rise of Civilization. If you know any other way, please share with us.

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