Can a new mother eat durian?

With a series of abstinence for stay , every nappy mother would wonder if she could eat durian when this attractive fruit is in full ripe season. Everyone knows that durian eating a lot will be hot and not good, but is it to the point that it is harmful to pregnant women?

Nutrition ingredients of durian

Can a new mother eat durian?


Durian is rich in nutrients and energy

Before discussing the harm, durian also has certain benefits. In addition to its irresistible taste, durian is also rich in vitamins B, C, potassium, calcium, and fiber. Therefore, in terms of science, this fruit is still very healthy if eaten in moderate amounts. Specifically:

Vitamin C content in durian can account for up to 80% of the amount of vitamin C that the body needs to load every day, it works against free radicals, slows down cell oxidation and prevents pathogens.

Vitamin B9 and folate compounds found in ripe durian meat are very good for the blood, they directly impact the production of red blood cells for the body.

Vitamin B6 helps to increase neurotransmitters, relieve fatigue and prevent postpartum depression.

Potassium and calcium present in durian also help prevent the excretion of calcium in the urine, helping the bones and teeth system stronger.

Durian fiber helps improve bowel movements of the body, helps relieve constipation.

Can a new born durian?

Although durian has certain benefits when eating a sufficient amount, but for pregnant women, the body is extremely sensitive and has many changes, the durian causes many harms, even danger. dangerous. As:

Hot mother and child

Everyone knows durian is delicious, but it's also incredibly hot. Newborn pregnant women should not eat a lot of foods with heat properties, easily cause bloating, indigestion, discomfort in the body and lead to insomnia and bleeding for postpartum women. Even many people believe that the heat of durian still passes into breast milk, making the baby too hot to sleep, making it difficult for the baby to sleep, crying often at night .

Can a new mother eat durian?


New mothers should not eat durian

Extremely high sugar makes the wound take a long time to heal

Durian is delicious thanks to the rich sweet and fatty taste, so this fruit also contains extremely high sugar content, not good for pregnant women. Especially for women with a history of gestational diabetes, eating durian is extremely dangerous. For mothers who have a caesarean section, eating a lot of sugar also makes the wound take longer to heal, and the risk of infection is extremely high.

Weight gain is difficult to control

Not only the excess sugar content, but the fat level of the durian as well as the extremely high energy in each segment of delicious durian about 147 Kcal / 100g of durian can make pregnant women gain weight quickly and extremely difficult to lose weight afterwards. .


Postpartum female skin is susceptible to allergies and sensitivity due to hormonal changes. The amount of sugar in durian can increase the secretion of sebum in the skin, clogging the pores, leading to pimples, making the skin rough and difficult to treat.

Danger of kidneys

100g of durian provides about 436mg of Potassium, this nutrient can help strengthen bones but is toxic for patients with kidney failure. If, after eating durian, the amount of potassium in the blood exceeds 6.5mmol / l, the woman may have arrhythmia, stop breathing and die.

Instead, newborn mothers should eat these fruits

Can a new mother eat durian?


Apples are recommended for pregnant women

Although the appeal of durian is difficult to resist, mothers must have an answer for a new durian birth. If you have a craving for fruit and a sweet tooth after giving birth, you can eat a small amount of the following fruits, sweet enough, not harmful to the mother and baby, eat whole breast-feeding like:

Papaya : Eating a small piece of ripe papaya for dessert after each meal can effectively cure constipation. In addition, newly ripe papaya can be stewed with the legs as a beneficial food, treating body weakness, reducing postpartum mental stress.

Apples : Apples contain many nutrients, vitamins, fiber and is the first choice in the diet of mothers who want to lose weight after giving birth. In addition, the amount of potassium, antioxidants, calcium found in apples also helps improve resistance, reduce the risk of colds.

Banana : Consuming 1-2 small bananas after a meal helps the bowels function better. In bananas are rich in iron, the iron in bananas also helps in reducing anemia in babies effectively and safely.

Watermelon contains potassium, vitamin C, calcium as well as many essential minerals. Eating an adequate amount has a cooling effect, helps with diuretic and enhances the skin's recovery ability, and at the same time replenishes water to the body, helping to release more milk.

See more:

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