The formula for calculating the exact area of ​​a rhombus, perimeter of a rhombus

The following article will introduce to you the formula to calculate the area of ​​a rhombus, the perimeter of a rhombus most accurately. Stay tuned.

1. Properties and identifiers of rhombus

- Introduce

A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four equal sides . In addition, a parallelogram, if there are 2 pairs of not adjacent sides or a parallelogram with 2 diagonal lines perpendicular to each other , it will become a rhombus.

The formula for calculating the exact area of ​​a rhombus, perimeter of a rhombus

A quadrilateral or a parallelogram has 2 pairs of not adjacent sides

- Properties

+ Rhombus has all the properties of parallelogram. These are: The opposite sides are parallel and equal, the angles are equal, the diagonal lines intersect at the midpoint of each line.

+ The diagonal lines of the rhomb are perpendicular to each other.

The formula for calculating the exact area of ​​a rhombus, perimeter of a rhombus

The two diagonal lines are perpendicular to each other

+ The two diagonal lines are the bisectors of the rhombus angles.

- Identification mark

To recognize the rhombus you need to base on the following features:

+ Quadrilateral has 4 equal sides.

+ Parallelogram has 2 equal adjacent sides.

+ Parallelogram has 2 diagonal lines perpendicular to each other.

+ A parallelogram with a diagonal is the bisector of an angle.

2. The formula for calculating the area of ​​a rhombus

- Introduce

Calculating the area of ​​a rhombus helps you to calculate the area within the rhombus.

The formula for calculating the exact area of ​​a rhombus, perimeter of a rhombus

The area is the pink part located inside the edges

- Recipe

The area of ​​a rhombus is either half the area of ​​the diagonal of the rhomb or the product of the height to the corresponding base .

The formula for calculating the exact area of ​​a rhombus, perimeter of a rhombus

The formula for calculating the area of ​​a rhombus

- The meaning of each quantity in the formula

+ S : Area of ​​a rhombus

+ d1, d2 : Size 2 diagonal of the rhomb, respectively.

+ h : Height of diamond

+ a : Length of bottom edge

- Example calculation

I will guide you how to calculate the area of ​​a rhombus through the following example: Calculate the area of ​​a rhombus, knowing the diagonal length is d1 = 5cm, d2 = 10cm.

Applying the formula for the area of ​​a rhombus we have the following solution:

The formula for calculating the exact area of ​​a rhombus, perimeter of a rhombus


3. The formula for calculating the circumference of the rhombus

- Introduce

Calculating the circumference of a rhombus is the sum of the lengths of the four surrounding sides of the rhombus.

The formula for calculating the exact area of ​​a rhombus, perimeter of a rhombus

Perimeter is the sum of the lengths of the sides

- Recipe

The circumference of a rhombus is the sum of the lengths of the sides added together or the length of one side multiplied by 4 .

The formula for calculating the exact area of ​​a rhombus, perimeter of a rhombus

The formula for calculating perimeter

- The meaning of each quantity in the formula

+ P : Circumference of rhombus

+ a : Length of any one side of a rhombus

- Example calculation

I will guide you how to calculate the circumference of a rhombus through the following example: Calculate the circumference of a rhombus, knowing the length of a rhombus is a = 5cm.

Apply the formula to calculate perimeter of the rhombus we have: P = ax 4 = 5 x 4 = 20cm.

4. The method to remember the formula to calculate the perimeter and area of ​​a rhombus

A rhombus has a fairly easy to remember perimeter formula, since the essence of circumference is to sum the length of the surrounding sides of the rhombus. You only need to know the length of one side of the diamond to calculate the circumference of the diamond.

The formula for calculating the exact area of ​​a rhombus, perimeter of a rhombus

You need to know the length of one side to calculate the circumference of the rhomb

As for area, the formula for calculating the area of ​​a rhombus is quite easy to remember. It is a half product of two diagonal lines or an edge product of corresponding height.

5. Note when calculating the area, circumference of rhombus

- When calculating the area of ​​a rhombus, you should note that the unit of area is the unit length + square . For example: cm2, m2, ...

- You need to observe the unit of measuring the length of two diagonal lines, the height and the edge to see if the unit is in the same unit or not. If not, then you change to the same unit of measure and start calculating.

The formula for calculating the exact area of ​​a rhombus, perimeter of a rhombus

Note about the length unit before calculating

See also :

>>> Equations to calculate the area of ​​a circle, the most complete circle's perimeter

>>> Synthesize a table of full, detailed and easy-to-understand trigonometric formulas

Above are the formulas to calculate the perimeter and area of ​​the rhombus as well as the method of memorizing the formula and note when calculating. Thank you for watching and see you in the following articles.

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