Overview of Office Deployment Tool

Office Deployment Tool (ODT) is a command-line tool you can use to download and deploy Office 365 ProPlus on client computers. ODT provides more control over Office installation: you can specify which products and languages ​​are installed, how the product is updated, whether or not the installation experience is displayed on the user's computer.

Download Office Deployment Tool

Download the Office Deployment Tool and run its exe file, containing the Office Deployment Tool file (setup.exe) and sample configuration (configuration.xml). Before using ODT to download or install Office, we encourage you to download the latest version.

Start using the Office Deployment Tool

Office Deployment Tool consists of two files: setup.exe and configuration.xml. To work with this tool, you can edit the configuration file to determine the options you want, and then run setup.exe from the command line. For example, you can edit the configuration file to download a 32-bit version of Office English or edit to install a 32-bit version of Office English to automatically accept the EULA without Publisher.

When running the Office Deployment Tool , you need to provide the configuration file location and select the ODT running mode:

  • To download Office 365 ProPlus products and languages, use Download mode . For example: setup.exe / download downloadconfig.xml . Note that when you download Office into a folder that contains that version of Office, ODT protects network bandwidth by downloading only the missing files. For example, if you use ODT to upload Office in English and German to a directory that already contains Office English, only the German language pack is downloaded.
  • To install Office 365 ProPlus products and languages ​​on a client computer, use Configure mode . You also use this mode to migrate and update other Office products and languages, such as setup.exe / configure installconfig.xml.
  • To apply the new application configuration to a client computer with Office 365 ProPlus installed, use custom mode . This mode will only apply to application settings, without changing other deployment settings. For example: setup.exe / customize appsettingsconfig.xml .
  • To create an App-V package from downloaded Office 365 ProPlus products and language packs , use Packager mode . For example: setup.exe / packager packageconfig.xml .

You can also use Help mode to read command line help for this tool.

Download the installation file for Office 365 ProPlus

Follow these steps to download the Office 365 ProPlus installation file from the Office Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Step 1: Create a configuration file

When creating the configuration file, we encourage you to start with a template file and update it with the appropriate environment options. You can start by copying and pasting the form below into the text file, save it with the name of your choice, and then edit the XML elements and attributes to determine the options you want.

In this example, the configuration file downloads the installation file for 32-bit English version of Office 365 ProPlus and Visio Pro for Office 365 to \\ server \ share on the network.

<Add SourcePath = "\\ server \ share" OfficeClientEdition = "32">
<Product ID = "O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID = "en-us" />
<Product ID = "VisioProRetail" >
<Language ID = "en-us" />

Step 2: Run the ODT exe file in the download mode

From the command line suggestion, run the ODT (.exe) file in download mode with the same reference to the saved configuration file. In this example, the configuration file is named downloadconfig.xml :

setup.exe / download downloadconfig.xml.

Step 3: Verify the downloaded files are complete

After running this command, go to the selected download location in the configuration file to find the Office folder and the corresponding files in it. If you're having problems, make sure you have the latest version of ODT. You can also solve this problem by reviewing the log file in the % temp% directory .

Download the installation file for Office 365 ProPlus from a local source

You can use the Office Deployment Tool to download Office 365 ProPlus installation files from a local source on the network instead of from the Office Content Delivery Network (CDN). By doing this, you can save a copy of multiple languages ​​and main products for Office and distribute only the language and product needed for other locations on the network.

To download from a local source, follow the steps for downloading Office with ODT, but include the download link configuration file. For example, this configuration file downloads the 32-bit English version of Office 365 ProPlus from \\ servera \ share ( DownloadPath file ) to \\ serverb \ share ( SourcePath file ):

<Add SourcePath = "\\ serverb \ share" OfficeClientEdition = "32" Version = "16.0.6741.2056" DownloadPath = "\\ servera \ share">
<Product ID = "O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID = "en -us "/>

Note, now you have to choose the version when using DownloadPath.

Install Office 365 ProPlus

After downloading the installation file of Office 365 ProPlus, follow these instructions to install Office on the client computer. As part of the installation, you can select the product you want to install.

Step 1: Create a configuration file

When creating the configuration file, start with the template file and update it with the option appropriate to the working condition. You can start by copying and pasting the form below into the text file, saving it with the chosen name, and then editing the XML elements and attributes to determine the desired option.

For example, the configuration file that installs the English 32-bit version of Office 365 ProPlus does not need Publisher:

<Add SourcePath = "\\ Server \ share" OfficeClientEdition = "32">
<Product ID = "O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID = "en-us" />
<ExcludeApp ID = "Publisher" />
</ Product>
<Display Level = "None" AcceptEULA = "TRUE" />

The location of the Office installation file is \\ server \ share . The display level is None , which means you will not see any user interface during installation and AcceptEULA is set to TRUE - Users do not have to click to accept the EULA during installation.

Step 2: Run the ODT launch file (.exe) in configuration mode

From a command prompt, run ODT (.exe) in configuration mode with the same reference to the saved configuration file. In the following example, the configuration file is named installconfig.xml :

setup.exe / configure installconfig.xml

You must run the .exe file from a client computer that wants to install Office and you must have local admin rights on that computer.

Step 3: Validate the installation successfully

After running this command, you should see the Office installation run (unless you set the display to: None). After completing the installation, this command prompt will display " Products successfully configured. " If you encounter problems, make sure you have the latest ODT version. You can also fix the problem by reviewing the log file in the % temp% and % windir% \ temp directories .

Update Office 365 ProPlus

You can use the Office Deployment Tool to update client computers after installing Office 365 ProPlus. There are two ways to do this:

  • Use ODT to install Office 365 ProPlus again. It will update Office to the latest version. Note, only update the file has changed in the new version.
  • Use ODT to download the installation file, then point the client computer to the location where they will receive the update. (By default, update clients directly from the Office Content Delivery Network - CDN.)

To change the location of the client receiving the update, run ODT in configuration mode and specify the update path in the configuration file. For example, automatically update Office 365 ProPlus from the \\ server \ updates network share, including the following path in configuration.xml file:

<Updates Enabled = "TRUE" UpdatePath = "\\ server \ updates" />

Note: This article does not cover all issues related to Office update management in the organization.

Exclude or move Office 365 ProPlus products from client computers

When installing Office 365 ProPlus, you can exclude unwanted products. To do this, in addition to following the steps to install Office with ODT, attach ExcludeApp in the configuration file. For example, this configuration file installs all Office 365 ProPlus products, except Publisher :

<Add SourcePath = "\\ Server \ share" Version = "" OfficeClientEdition = "32">
<Product ID = "O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID = "en-us" />
<ExcludeApp ID = "Publisher" />

If you already have Office 365 ProPlus installed, you can also use ExcludeApp to remove previously installed products. For example, the aforementioned configuration file moves Publisher from an earlier Office installation.

You can also remove the entire language version of Office 365 ProPlus as follows: Follow the steps to exclude the Office installation product with ODT, but replace the configuration file with a file using the Remove component . For example, this configuration file removes the Spanish version of Office 365 ProPlus:

<Product ID = "O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID = "es-es" />

Remove OneDrive when installing Office 365 ProPlus or other applications

OneDrive automatically installs according to Office 365 ProPlus, Word, Excel, PowerPoint , Publisher, Visio, and Skype . If you don't want to install OneDrive with these apps, use ExcludeApp:

<Add SourcePath = "\\ Server \ share" Version = "" OfficeClientEdition = "32">
<Product ID = "O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID = "en-us" />
<ExcludeApp ID = "OneDrive" />

Install Office with the client operating system language

When using ODT, you can automatically set the Office language to match the language displayed in the client operating system. To do this, use Language ID = "MatchOS" in the configuration file.

For example, the configuration file installs a 32-bit version of Office 365 ProPlus with the language of the client operating system - English for clients with display languages ​​English, Japanese for Japanese clients, etc.

<Add OfficeClientEdition = "32">
<Product ID = "O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID = "MatchOS" />

Add languages ​​to an existing Office 365 ProPlus installation

After installing Office, you can use ODT to install additional language packs for Office. To do this, follow the steps to install Office with ODT, but use the new configuration file that uses " LanguagePack " as the product ID and indicate the language to be added.

By default, ODT will install the language from where Office updates. If you want to install the language from another source location, select the source path in the configuration file.

Step 1: Download the Office installation file in the language you want to add

If Office in your organization updates from a local source, you must download the Office installation file for the language you want to add.

Step 2: Create a configuration file to add to the language pack

When creating the configuration file, it is best to start with the template file first and update it with the appropriate options. You can start by copying and pasting the example below into a text file, saving it as a name of choice, and making sure that OfficeClientEdition and the language ID contain the things you want.

In this example, the configuration file installs the French and Japanese language packs:

<Add OfficeClientEdition = "32">
<Product ID = "LanguagePack">
<Language ID = "fr-fr" />
<Language ID = "ja-jp" />
< / Configuration>

Step 3: Run the ODT (.exe) file in configuration mode

From a command prompt, run the ODT installation file in configuration mode referring to the saved configuration file. In the following example, the configuration file is named installlanguage.xml : setup.exe / configure installlanguage.xml.

You must run the .exe file from the client computer to install Office and you must have administrative rights on that computer.

Apply application settings for Office 365 ProPlus

As part of the deployment, you can define application settings for Office 365 ProPlus, including VBA Macro notifications, default file location and formats. To do this, you deploy Office using standard steps in installing Office 365 ProPlus, but include application settings in the configuration file.

To create the configuration file, it is best to use the Office Customization Tool for Click-to-Run (Preview), a web application with a complete UI. Note that this tool is still in the "preview" stage, so there will be many changes in the future:

  1. Open the Office Customization Tool for Click-to-Run (preview) in the web browser, then follow the steps to create the configuration file, including determining application settings besides standard deployment settings.
  2. Export file.
  3. Follow the steps in installing Office 365 ProPlus to deploy Office with the newly created configuration file.

In this example, the configuration file installs Office 365 ProPlus English 32-bit and displays the Trust Bar for all VBA macros in Excel.

<Add OfficeClientEdition = "32" Channel = "Broad">
<Product ID = "O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID = "en-us" />
<User Key = "software \ microsoft \ office \ 16.0 \ excel \ security"
Name = "vbawarnings"
Value = "3"
Type = "REG_DWORD"
App = "excel16"
Id = "L_VBAWarningsPolicy" />

This file is created with the Office Customization Tool for Click-to-Run (preview). For more detailed information on application setup, explore the options included in the tool.

Apply application settings to existing Office 365 ProPlus

You can apply new application settings to client computers that have Office 365 ProPlus installed without having to change any deployment settings. To do this, create a configuration file containing application settings and run ODT in custom mode. In addition to installing applications, this mode rejects all other configuration file settings.

  1. Use the steps in applying application setup to Office 365 ProPlus to create configuration files.
  2. From the command prompt, run the ODT (.exe) file in a custom mode that references the newly created configuration file. In the following example, the configuration file is named installappsettings.xml:

setup.exe / customize installappsettings.xml

You must run that exe file from the client computer to install Office. Of course, you need to have local admin rights on that computer.

Create App-V package for Office 365 ProPlus

In addition to downloading and deploying Office 365 ProPlus, you can also use the Office Deployment Tool to create App-V packages. Do this as follows: update the configuration file, then run ODT in Packager mode. You must create App-V packages on computers that have a clean operating system installation.

Step 1: Create a configuration file

Encourage starting with the sample file (example) and updating it with options appropriate to the working environment. You can start by copying and pasting the example below into a text file, naming and saving it, and then editing XML elements and attributes to specify the options you want.

In this example, the configuration file creates an App-V package from the 32-bit English version of Office 365 ProPlus without Publisher:

<Add SourcePath = "\\ Server \ share" OfficeClientEdition = "32">
<Product ID = "O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID = "en-us" />
<ExcludeApp ID = "Publisher" />
</ Product>

The location of the Office installation file is \\ server \ share . For configuration files, replace the sample values ​​with the appropriate environment option.

Step 2: Run the ODT (.exe) file in Packager mode

From a command prompt, run the ODT (.exe) file in packager mode, refer to the saved configuration file and to the location where you want to save the App-V package. In the following example, the configuration file named packageconfig.xml and the App-V package will be saved at \\ server \ share \ appv \ :

setup.exe / packager packageconfig.xml \\ server \ share \ appv \

Step 3: Verify the package has been created

After running the command, the package location should contain the App-V Packages and WorkingDir folders . You can fix the problem by reviewing the log file in the % temp% directory .

Hope the article is helpful to you

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