Title shooter Red Dead Redemption 2 released by Rockstar - father of the blockbuster action robbed street Grand Theft Auto is causing a lot of impressive. Game Red Dead Redemption 2 takes you to the west with the image of cowboys riding on vast plains completely different from the hot survival shooter series today. Game Red Dead Redemption 2 has 5 of the strongest horses that can be caught naturally and Arabian is one of them but not too difficult to own it.
The horse in the game Red Dead Redemption 2 plays a very important role because it is the most excellent means of transportation in the game so it will help you a lot in the process of conquering the Wild West. Horses are divided into different classes but basically the Arabian horse is a horse worth to own. Here are some tips for you to quickly own the Arabian horse.
Players move from Valentine City to the north to reach the first camping site, Lake Isabella. We continue to move 1 more way to the left a little bit will meet the Arabian. However, if you do not meet the Arabian you should camp here overnight, then the game will restart the map, the chances of meeting the Arabian will be higher.
The hallmark of the Arabian is that it often appears with two stray wolves, the area is full of snow and the Arabian is also white, so be careful.
However, when you encounter the Arabian, do not rush to go, but slowly step and lock the target otherwise it will rush to you like a wind prone to injury or maybe it will run away.
After getting close to the Arabian and climbing on its back it will jump and howl because it is a wild horse. We need to tame it to use, press the control button to avoid being knocked to the ground, you notice it jump to any side, slide the lever to move in the opposite direction. After 15 seconds the Arabian will be tamed and obedient to the new master.
Your next task is to transfer the saddle from the current horse to the Arabian. However, the Arabian will be started at the lowest level like the original new horse so you need to take care of it to acquire new skills.
However, apart from this free search we can also own the Arabian by buying it for no less than $ 120 soft. This old is really too chat so we need to consider searching in the wild before buying.
Above we have shown you how to search and catch the Arabian horse in the game Red Dead Redemption 2 . Hopefully you will quickly own the Arabian super horse to accompany on your way.