Finally, Viber users can also create polls like on Zalo , so that team members quickly vote on something. Only need to update Viber to the latest version can experience this interesting feature!
The procedure is quite simple, you can create Poll votes right in the message input box. Details on how to do it on computers, phones, please invite you to follow the article below:
Instructions for creating votes on Viber phones
Viber for Android Viber for iOS
Step 1: In the group chat interface, click the Poll icon as shown below, then start creating a poll. Proceed to enter the question and answer plan. If you want to add a solution, click the + symbol.

Step 2: Click the x icon to delete the wrong option, while clicking the 2-dot icon to change the order of voting options. After entering, press Create button to create poll. At this time, the members will click on the heart next to the option that they want to vote.

Step 3: In each of the voting options will display the number of votes, percentage of votes. Each person can only choose 1 answer solution, cannot choose many answers at the same time. If you would like to see more details about who has voted, click that option.

Video tutorial to create polls on Viber phones
Instructions for creating votes on a computer Viber
Step 1: At the chat frame of any group, you will see the Poll icon as shown in the image below. Just click on it to create a vote immediately.

Step 2: The interface Create a poll appears, in the line Ask a question you enter the question. For the Add option line, we will enter the voting options. If you want to add other voting options, click the plus icon .

Step 3: In each voting option, there will be an x for delete, and a 2-dot symbol to change the order of voting options. After importing, press the Create button to create a vote.

Step 3: Now the group members will click on the heart next to the option that they want to vote.

Step 4: Each option will display the number of votes, as well as the percentage of votes for that option.

Step 5: Click on the plan will display the list of members who voted for that plan.

Video tutorial to create polls on Viber PC
So you have successfully created a vote on Viber. Through the voting results, it helps the members of the group easily choose a common solution for a problem.
I wish you successful implementation!