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Error unable to activate Viber on PC
Error unable to activate Viber on PC
Video Error unable to activate Viber on PC
Not being able to activate Viber on computers is a quite common error, which many users encounter. This error is due to many reasons, first you need to check the network connection, then see if the current version is the latest version yet?
Be sure to enter the country code as well as the correct phone number. Normally when registering Viber, after selecting the country, you only need to enter the phone number without the "0", but because many people still use the number "0", they do not receive the activation code.
The latest version of Viber has supported users to activate Viber by scanning the QR Code, if you see your Viber does not have the QR code scanning section, you are using the old version. When using the old version often encountered a lot of errors when activating such as not receiving the activation code, even after entering the phone number to load forever, and finally back to the screen asking to enter the phone number.
How to fix error cannot activate Viber on PC
Step 1: Remove Viber from the computer.
Step 2: Download Viber for the latest PC, then install it on your computer. Just check the box I agree to the license terms and conditions , then click Install and wait a while Viber installation process is complete.
Step 3: Select the country code, enter the phone number to activate Viber.
Step 4: Scan the QR Code to activate Viber.
Step 5: So, you're free to text, call, video, send voice messages, animations, share documents with your friends easily.