
Instructions on how to check hidden iCloud on iPhone, iPad simple and effective

Instructions on how to check hidden iCloud on iPhone, iPad simple and effective

Discover how to check for hidden iCloud on your iPhone and iPad effortlessly. Learn the effective methods to uncover hidden iCloud and secure your device.

How to disable sync iCloud accounts, photos, contacts on iPhone simple

How to disable sync iCloud accounts, photos, contacts on iPhone simple

You want to turn off sync iCloud accounts, photos, contacts, ... because iCloud is full of space or doesn't want your data to be messed up. Follow the article to know how to turn off syncing iCloud accounts, photos, contacts on iPhone extremely simple!

Things to know about iCloud Drive

Things to know about iCloud Drive

iCloud Drive works on cloud platforms, similar to other online storage services such as Dropbox, Google Drive ..., allowing to store all documents in the cloud to be accessible from your iPhone, iPad. , iPod Touch, Mac, even PC.

How to lock iCloud account change function on iOS

How to lock iCloud account change function on iOS

The key to change the iCloud account function is to use a few settings to lock iCloud login. Meaning that there will be only one iCloud account on your device.

Instructions for adding non-Google mail accounts to Gmail for iOS

Instructions for adding non-Google mail accounts to Gmail for iOS

Currently, Gmail is still an important and important email and email address management application for people when we use it to communicate and exchange information with people, in addition to sending and receiving information, Gmail feature list will

Instructions for adding and deleting email accounts on Mac, iPhone and iPad

Instructions for adding and deleting email accounts on Mac, iPhone and iPad

With the following instructions, you can easily add a new email account or delete an unused email account on your Mac, iPhone or iPad.

Sign up and Earn ⋙
Sign up and Earn ⋙