A full baby will notify her mother through this very simple sign

How do I know if your baby is feeding enough to stop and help prevent vomiting? These special signs will help mothers no longer embarrassed taking care of their newborn baby.

MOTHER: The formula for calculating the amount of milk for infants-12 months old

Science has proven: Babies should breastfeed on demand

The average amount of milk according to the age of the newborn helps the mother to estimate how much is full of food

When born, the baby's stomach is just as small as a grape and contains very little milk with each meal (5ml / time). Then the stomach size increases with the growth rate of the baby's body. In general, the amount of milk for a newborn (averaged 3kg at birth) during the first 12 months is about as follows:

Children 0-2 weeks of age: 55-75ml of milk / meal

Children 2 weeks old - 1 month old: 70-110ml of milk / meal and around 500ml / day

1-2 months: 70-110ml of milk / meal

2-4 months: 100-120ml of milk / meal

4-6 months of age: Average 120-200ml of milk / meal, a day babies can eat from 700-800ml of milk.

From 6 months of age and older: Depending on the amount of solids, the amount of breastmilk can be reduced or more, but on average, the baby can still eat from 125-225ml / meal and 800-900ml / day.

Combined with this average amount of food, mothers should observe the child's body signals so that they no longer have to wonder about how to know if the baby is getting enough or not.

How do you know if your baby is full enough - 5 signs your baby's body will tell you this

# 1 Your hand tells mom very clearly that you are full

A full baby will notify her mother through this very simple sign


How do you know if your baby is getting enough breast milk?

Mom should take time to observe the baby with each meal right from birth. In times of hunger, apart from crying, your child's hands will clench and swing continuously or even the baby will put the fist in his mouth.

At the end of the meal, the baby's hands will gradually loosen and their hands will be spread out. This is a sign of the feeling "I'm full, Mom".

A baby's relaxed, energized body usually tends to relax and stretch the most naturally.

So I remember to pay attention to this first recognizable sign.

# 2 Baby is pleasant, cheerful, and relaxed

A full baby will notify her mother through this very simple sign


How do you know if your baby is getting enough milk - Signs of emotional body

If the baby has released the baby but is still uncomfortable, limbs or crying, the mother should check the following steps:

- Pat baby first.

- Next, invite the baby to breastfeed again.

- Check that your baby is attached to the right joint and has a comfortable sucking position.

Then continue to breastfeed. If your baby accepts to continue feeding and automatically releases the baby, combined with signs of no longer fussy and crying, that is when the baby is full.

# 3 Breastfeed quickly and neatly for the specified amount of time

A full baby will notify her mother through this very simple sign


How do you know your baby is getting enough breastfeeds - a sign of the time to feed your baby

Your baby will only eat when he eats a quality meal in a medium time. The longer your baby eats (eg over 50-60 minutes and still hasn't finished a meal), that is when he will signal for snacking. This way of eating can help your baby finish all the milk, but it is not sure if your baby is full or not.

Therefore, please note that:

Baby 0-2 months: Only eat no more than 40 minutes.

2-4 months: Baby eats for 20-30 minutes and shows signs of satisfaction.

4-6 months: Children eat in about 15-20 minutes.

Over 6 months: Baby's milk meal should not exceed 15 minutes.

# 4 The number of hours between feedings of your baby

A full baby will notify her mother through this very simple sign


How do you know if your baby is getting enough milk - Signs of time between feeds

A fully fed baby can wait for the right amount of time until the next meal without asking for feeding too close together.

According to baby experts, newborn babies can be breastfed on demand. But from 1 week of age onwards, mothers should base themselves on the baby's habits to determine appropriate milk sizes.

Children 0-6 weeks: You can wait 2-3 hours for the next meal.

6-8 weeks: Baby can store milk for 3-4 hours.

From 8 weeks onwards: Children may only ask for food after 3.5-4.5 or even some babies can store milk for up to 5 hours before feeling hungry.

# 5 Baby sleep seamlessly

A full baby will notify her mother through this very simple sign


How do you know if your baby is getting enough milk - Signs of your baby's sleep

When your baby is full, he or she will have a deep and good night's sleep. If your baby can sleep more than 45-60 minutes (45 minutes is the minimum time for a baby's sleep), it is a signal that the amount of milk fed is enough for the child's sleep and play activities.

The above are the basic signs to help mothers recognize whether the baby has eaten enough or not that mothers can observe directly in their child's meals.

In addition, mothers should combine with monitoring the growth rate of weight, urine color, the number of diapers changes, the number of times the baby has poop to ensure that the baby has been provided with enough milk for the baby's needs.

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