If Canva doesn't have a font that matches your brand or style, you can upload a font from a third party. Here's how to add fonts to Canva .
Font style plays an important part in creating a beautiful design. When it comes to designing in Canva , you have a lot of font options, from artistic fonts like Jimmy Script to normal fonts like Neue Machina.
However, sometimes, you may not find a font you like on this platform. Therefore, Canva provides the option to add new fonts. Here's how to add fonts to Canva .
How to upload fonts to Canva
Before uploading a font to Canva, it's important to remember that this feature is not available to free users, so you should upgrade your package first. Canva Pro offers many great features beyond uploading, including premium templates, social media posting scheduling, and more.
To add beautiful Canva fonts, log in to your account and go to Brand Kit in the side panel. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen until you reach the Brand fonts section.
Click Upload a font and navigate to where you saved the file. You can also upload several files simultaneously. Make sure the font is in TTF, OTF or WOFF format and select the font file, not the .zip file.
After selecting the font, a window appears, confirming the font you want to use on the design. Select Yes, upload anyway . The upload process usually takes less than 10 seconds. If the upload is successful, you will see the new font in the Uploaded fonts tab .
You can also follow the steps above when downloading a font via the Canva app on Android or iOS. Just make sure you have downloaded the font file on your mobile device.
Use the uploaded font in Canva
To use a new font uploaded to Canva, click Create a design or go to one of the designs in Your Projects .
Click the font style menu and enter the font name in the search bar. Choose a font, your text will automatically use it.
Why can't I add fonts to Canva?
If uploading a font fails or gets an error when trying to use it, the cause may be:
- Your font is not in TTF, OTF or WOFF format. They are the formats currently supported by Canva. When downloading fonts from the Internet, they are often saved in a compressed folder, so you need to extract it first.
- Fonts are not allowed to be embedded.
- The file may be corrupted. Try downloading that font again.
- Your font is not compatible with Canva, so when used, it does not appear. Look for alternative fonts.
- You may have exceeded the maximum number of fonts uploaded. Currently, there are only 500 fonts/Brand Kit.
Above are the things you need to know about how to add fonts to Canva . Hope the article is useful to you.