What is LDMultiplayer? How to use LD Multi Player? Let's find out with Download.vn !
In addition to Bluestacks, LDPlayer is also the most popular Android emulator software on computers today. It provides users with all the features needed to play mobile games on the big screen, including multiplayer support. That tool is called LDMultiplayer.
As the name suggests, LDMultiplayer helps you open multiple LDPlayer windows, log in to multiple accounts to play multiple games and open multiple mobile apps on one PC screen.
How LDMultiplayer works
LDMultiplayer is like a multi-window manager. You can create new windows or duplicate main windows with just one click. In the main window, you can manage all created LDPlayer windows, including backup/restore, privacy settings, removal... LDMultiplayer also provides advanced settings in the Optimization tab for each LDPlayer tab . This emulator software has no limit on the number of tabs as long as your computer is capable enough.
Limitations of using multiple emulator windows on LDPlayer
First, you need to understand that opening multiple game emulator windows will be affected and limited by computer hardware, including system configuration, CPU, memory, graphics memory... All of which affect the game's performance. opening many different game emulators at the same time.
- CPU/Microprocessor: The CPU is the core factor, limiting the number of emulator windows that can be opened. The more CPU cores and threads, the better the performance of opening multiple emulator windows.
- RAM/Memory: After starting the game, both the emulator and the game take up memory resources. From special effects to resource loading, memory usage will increase.
- Graphics card: The difference between discrete and integrated graphics cards is in the storage function. When a game starts loading special effects and content, the graphics card's temporary storage can significantly reduce your computer's memory usage.
In general, whether opening multiple emulator instances at the same time runs smoothly or not mainly depends on the PC configuration and resources you are using.
How to activate LDMultiplayer on LDPlayer
- Find the 3 dots in the sidebar to see more features.
- Click the Multiplayer icon (see illustration below).
- Manage multiple LDPlayer windows on LDMultiplayer.
How to use the LDMultiplayer tool on LDPlayer
If you want to create a new LDPlayer instance without any apps installed, click New Player . If not, you may need to click the Clone player button to clone the current LDPlayer window. (All installed applications will be copied to the new window).
Start up
When you click the Start button, you start opening a specific window. Note that you cannot manage Backup/Restore , Settings , Remove and Create desktop shortcut when LDPlayer is running. Additionally, the Start button will switch to Close if there is another instance running.
Most Android emulators have a backup function and LDPlayer is no exception. Using Backup/Restore , you can copy this emulator to another computer. In addition, regularly backing up data also helps you avoid losing important information when LDMultiPlayer unfortunately fails, or even cannot restart LDPlayer afterwards.
Install/Remove/Create desktop shortcuts
Settings : Click Settings to adjust CPU, RAM, resolution... for each simulation session. This function has a settings-like icon in the right toolbar that you see after opening this emulator software.
Remove : Click the Remove button, that simulation session will be deleted.
Create desktop shortcut : After creating, the shortcut icon will appear on the computer screen. At this time, LDMultiPlayer shows the emulator session that can be launched separately on LDPLayer with the corresponding serial number.
With the Sort function , LDPlayer sessions can be sorted by index/time/name. Search function for users with multiple simulation sessions at the same time. Enter the name of the emulator program you want to find in the corresponding field and the results will appear as shown below.
To change the name of an emulator session, simply click on its name in LDMultiplayer.
Multiplayer optimization
Using this function, you can adjust the FPS for each LDPlayer tab and turn off the sound to reduce CPU usage. If you want to open more Android emulator windows, you should reduce the FPS. Although higher FPS will give you a better gaming experience on LDPlayer, active windows will "consume" more of your PC's hardware resources and easily reach the limit.
Memory optimization
If you want more memory for a new LDPlayer window, check the Memory Optimization settings to use less memory and graphics. Thanks to that, you can start running as many Android games/apps on your PC as you want.
Virtual disk mode
You can choose high-speed virtual disk mode if the hard drive is not SSD. However, if you are using an SSD, you should choose Stable because this mode can reduce the risk of file corruption. Furthermore, the latest option New with smaller disk will help you use less disk space for multiple windows.
Set up automatic alignment
When you select Spread Align , the windows will be spread across your screen. If you want to fill the window, select Auto resize a window, fill the screen . Meanwhile, if you choose Overlay Align , LDPlayer windows will appear diagonally and you can adjust the number of rows of each window.
Batch operation mode
You can change the start interval of each LDPlayer instance using this function. Additionally, the number of new sessions and clones from the active tab using batch processing can be changed.
Other settings
All instances' window positions can be recorded by checking the corresponding box. For example, if you want LDPlayer to appear in the upper left corner of the screen, all you have to do is drag LDPlayer to the upper left corner of the screen and check the relevant box. Next time you open LDPlayer, it will be in that location.
Above are instructions for using and configuring LDMultiplayer. Hopefully this article helps you take full advantage of this feature and effectively manage multiple LDPlayer versions.