Access violation at address 1072867D in module gen_ml.dl read of address 00000028 is a KMPlayer error that occurred while downloading and installing music software on this computer. However, according to user statistics, the majority of errors often fall on computers using Windows 7 and below ( Windows Vista , Windows XP ...).
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In fact, it is not only the movie software on the computer such as KMP that has this error, but even other software and computer programs when installed or during use can also be expensive.
Fix KMP incompatible computer operating system
When this error occurs during installation, the installation cannot be performed. And if it happens during use, this music player, movie player still works normally, but an error message will appear on the screen. And users must close the notification to be able to continue.
The error is because the computer could not access the file "gen_ml.dll" in the computer. To fix the Access violation at address 1072867D in this gen_ml.dl.Read of address 00000028 module, we do the following:
Method 1: Use KMPlayer in compatibility mode
Step 1 : Left-click on the software's icon on the desktop and select Properties.
Step 2 : KMPlayer window appears, you turn to do the following:
- Click the Compatibility tab .
- Tick the box Run this program in compatibility mode for to run this software in compatibility mode .
- Left click the arrow icon in the operating system display.
- A list of operating systems appears, selecting the correct operating system your computer is using.
- Click on Apply / OK to finish.
Select the operating system in the displayed list
Method 2: Delete the error file in KMP
Based on the error message that the system sent to you, it is easy to determine where the error is located. Specifically, in the first image, we will see the main problem is the file " gen_ml.dll ". The computer cannot access data from this file, so an error message will appear.
The fix is as follows:
Step 1 : You access the software installation directory on your computer, usually C: \ / Program Files / The KMPlayer , but there are many people who will optionally install this software in locations. The location varies according to their needs, so you need to find the right directory.
Navigate to the location where KMPlayer software is installed on the computer
Step 2: Find and click the Plugins folder .
Step 3 : Find in the new list the file " gen_ml " and delete it. In case there are many similar files that you do not know exactly, you can temporarily move each of these files to another location and then run KMPlayer again to check.
Never delete plugins without knowing exactly what they are. Because it will most likely cause other more serious errors.
Only delete the file that the error message displays
Method 3: Install KMP with Admin rights
If the error occurred during the installation process and both of the above did not work, you can completely remove the software on the computer and then download and reinstall KMP with admin rights.
Related post:
How to completely remove applications on the computer .
Run or install KMP software on the computer under admin rights
Or the installation process is normal, but there is an error when using, we can also launch this file with admin rights to avoid errors by:
- Right- click on the application (or the installation file if it is an installation).
- Select Run as administrator .
Another note that computer users should not ignore, is that with the error message Access violation at address 1072867D in module gen_ml.dl . Read of address 00000028 , " gen_ml.dll " is the cause of the error. However, there are other errors caused by files with other formats and not only on KMPlayer, we also depending on the case, can not use the way in this article.
The same error occurs on Skype .
Error related to the computer's Flash .
With these errors, you can check Flash on your computer and download the latest version to fix the error.
I wish you successful implementation!