What is Meme? Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

When surfing Facebook , you often hear the word meme and see a lot of people use this meme when commenting or texting. So what is the meme, the meaning of the top 10 most popular memes today? Find out in the article below!

1. What is Meme?

When you see meme appear a lot on Facebook, you must think this is a word originating from the online community, but no, meme is a long-standing word.

Meme is an acronym for "Mimeme" in Greek, used to explain the spread of cultural ideas and phenomena in a community. And in 1976, Richard Dawkins put the word Meme into his book The Selfish Gene with the same meaning as its original meaning.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

Today, the term meme is used on the internet to refer to pictures with funny, or interesting, originating from a story or an inspirational character, recognized by many people and spread on different social networking sites.

2. Distinguish meme from macro images

Meme is usually a photo, but not all photos are memes. People often confuse memes with regular macro images. Let's distinguish them.

You can look at the macro image below, it also has an image nested, however, it's not a meme.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

Meme is different from normal macro photo, meme is known by many people and understands the content and meaning of the photo, they recognize and widely use this photo. With pictures that are spread locally or less known, they will be just macros, not memes.

3. Top 10 popular and meaningful memes on Vietnamese social networks

3.1 Meme Cheems

Cheems is a Shiba dog with a funny face and expression, and has been photographed by netizens with various content.

Cheems's real name is Balltze and has been on Instagram since 2017. However, now this dog image is widely spread on many different social networking platforms.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

In Vietnam, the captions of the Cheems meme are often misspelled to make fun of them.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

3.2 Meme Gavin Thomas

In 2014, an uncle of Gavin Thomas shared his photos on forums, and he became famous for his series of extremely funny photos at that time.

Internet users even called Gavin Thomas "Meme King" (roughly translated: Holy meme) because of his entertaining expressions.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

3.3 Meme disappointed man

In mid-August 2019, the image of "disappointed man Mohammad Akhtar" was widely spread across social networks in Vietnam and around the world.

It is known that this image was recorded during a football match between Pakistan and Australia. The expression above was shown by Mohammad Akhtar when a Pakistani player missed the catch.

Because of the humor of this meme, it has been everywhere on the social network Facebook last time.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

3.4 Meme the Cat Smudge

Smudge is a white cat in Canada, with his extremely expressive face, it is not difficult to understand when Smudge is the main character of a popular meme on social networks.

The image of a cat sitting on the dining table with a funny expression, paired with actress Taylor Armstrong's screaming image, became popular because you can add any text to the photo to show a story. somehow.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

3.5 Melted Meme

If you are a person who catches up with Facebook trends, you cannot help but know the dog Nguyen Van Du. This is a breed of raccoon with an extremely witty and cute appearance and expression.

Since the pictures of Dump were posted on social networks by their owners, a series of memes were born and spread widely.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

Du's lovely images even spread to neighboring China and were painted by a famous account on Weibo into a chibi photo set and received a lot of love.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

3.6 The rabbit face meme hits you

A picture of a person with a rabbit face hitting you with a red mark on his hand is often used by netizens when he wants to bash someone. The humorous meme as if wanting to hit and say "bad" appears on every "comment front" on Facebook because of its humor.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

This meme is actually a simulation of the action of two real people, a Korean volleyball coach and athlete.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

3.7 Meme sister blowing candles

In October 2020, a short video about her sister winning her sister's birthday candle from two Portuguese sisters quickly went viral on social networks. As a result, there are a series of funny memes that netizens "re-make" humorous.

Typically among them is the image of her sister shrugging along with the trendy saying "as long as you suffer" is extremely intended.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

The event was so influential that a TV show invited two girls to blow 500 birthday candles together.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

3.8 Meme Seal

Animal themes have always been a treasure trove of potential for meme creators. Typically the "shy seal" below. His expression with a shy, super cute look is very popular with netizens.

It is known that this meme first appeared on a Reddit account with a description of the seal's attachment, not wanting to leave. And in Vietnam, this image often comes with the words "Huh, what? Who knows?", Often used when someone wants to turn a blind eye, seem ignorant.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

3.9 Meme the cat Ollie

Ollie is known as the cat with a super hot smile on social networks today. Ollie's smile is quite quirky, but that is the reason why it became so popular with the online community.

When there is a problem that cannot be said to a word, people will drop the meme with Ollie image as a way to express the helplessness in words, extremely humorous.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

3.10 Meme smart man

Another very familiar meme to other Facebook users is the image of the man pointing his finger to his head. The main character in this meme is British actor, singer, dancer and comedian, Kayode Ewumi.

This meme is used by netizens as a way to indicate intelligence, often incorporated with quirky creative actions to make fun.

What is Meme?  Top 10 most popular and meaningful Facebook memes in Vietnam

See also :

>>> What is Reaction? Why do young people love watching Reaction Video?

>>> Explain 50+ common words on Facebook: Bb, crush, lol, ib, pm, ...


Just now is an explanation of the term meme and top 10 most popular meme on the social network Facebook today. Hope the article gives you a lot of useful information, thank you for watching!

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