Surrogacy Agency in Ukraine: How to Start the Journey?

Producing a new life in this world is never only easy and successful. Many couples struggle with health conditions that deprive them of having children. Some of them give in, while some look for other solutions to enjoy the experience of being parents. One of the ways to share parental happiness is to choose surrogacy solutions. It may seem complicated at first but one thing should be said in advance - it is possible.

How to Proceed with Surrogacy in Ukraine?

Instead of blindly trusting numerous forum reviews and feedback online where people claim that surrogacy is hard to approach in Ukraine, you may find a designated agency that will unveil all hurdles. A surrogacy agency World Center of Baby is a perfect starting point for you to begin a journey to becoming a parent. It is staffed by professionals including lawyers who will do the smooth matching for you. Thus, you won’t experience any stress.


Upon choosing the best party to rely on, you have to ensure you are on the same wavelength. Commonly, the enrollment into the program starts with a free consultation where both the agency and potential mother and father discuss the preferences, requirements, and, of course, the price.


Since surrogacy in Ukraine is a kind of bureaucratic process, a couple should provide an agency with a marriage certificate and uncover the medical history that will make them qualified for the program. After confirming such nuances, potential parents may plan a visit to Ukraine for some tests at the clinic including the PGD/PGS testing, and choosing the surrogate. Normally, it takes up to one or two months since agencies have a large database of surrogates who are willing to proceed immediately.


After that, you receive monthly reports that involve ultrasound pictures, and all scans that will confirm the health of your baby. When there will be due date, you are welcomed to visit Ukraine again to meet your baby and proceed with legal papers. Note, with World Center of Baby, all such tiresome and complicated law processes are ongoing with the help of lawyers. Once done, the surrogacy agency will provide you with final documents and you may go back home but already as parents.


Please note, due to law gay surrogacy services in Ukraine are prohibited. Thus, gestational contracts are possible to proceed with only when it comes to heterosexual couples.


As for the cost of the whole program, it may be easily divided into installments. Beyond that, all legal fees are involved in the contract except for the ones that you might face in your country. You have to learn this information prior to starting the surrogacy to avoid unexpected charges or fees.


All in all, either with World Center of Baby or another trustworthy party, you may end up being parents with your partner even this year. Bringing a new life in the world is possible if you are motivated and patient to proceed with all surrogacy procedures.

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