Learn about active noise canceling ANC in headphones

There is a technology on headphones called active noise canceling ANC which is being interested by many customers and choosing related products. Along with WebTech360, learn this technology through the article right below.

1. Learn about noise canceling technology on headphones

1.1 Why do headphones need noise canceling technology?

When you use your headset with your phone or laptop , you need a certain focus on sound. Noises from the environment like talking, driving, ... and many other noises will definitely affect the quality of the sound you hear.

Because of understanding the problems that users are facing, manufacturers have also focused and improved , integrating noise-canceling technology for headphones , to bring the best quality sound experience . .

Learn about active noise canceling ANC in headphones

1.2 What types of noise protection can be divided into?

Interior noise technology research has divided it into two categories , including: Active Noise Canceling (ANC) - Anti-Noise initiative and Passive Noise Canceling (PNC) - Anti-passive noise . In between these two types, ANC is a modern and more efficient technology than PNC.

Learn about active noise canceling ANC in headphones

2. What is Active Noise Canceling (ANC) technology?

2.1 Definitions

Active Noise Canceling - ANC is a technology that actively creates opposing signals to cancel out the noise . From there, it can prevent noise, noise from outside, helping users to experience better listening to the sound coming from the headset.

Learn about active noise canceling ANC in headphones

2.2 The birth process

Active noise cancellation ANC was developed by Bose Sound Company in the late 20th century.

In 1934, German inventor Paul Lueg patented the theory of noise cancellation by using noise and creating static regions. Until the 1950s, Mr. Harry Olsen applied ANC technology in practice.

In 1986, Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager used Bose's ANC headphones to reduce aircraft noise and focus on orbiting the earth. So in the future, headphones equipped with ANC are chosen by the military, aviation and life to use.

Learn about active noise canceling ANC in headphones

2.3 How it works

Inside the structure of the earcups with electronic components, there will be more active noise canceling technology, creating a noise-canceling frequency that vibrates completely in contrast to ambient noise recorded by the mic. From there, eliminating unwanted noise from the surrounding environment. Sound quality is still guaranteed to be correct when emitted from the headphone driver .

Learn about active noise canceling ANC in headphones

2.4 Types of active noise cancellation

Active noise cancellation with an external headphone mic

Usually in the structure the microphone will be located on the outside of the headset. So the mic will pick up the noise, followed by the ANC to actively process and cancel the noise before sending the final signal to the headphone driver.

ANC noise cancellation technology with high frequency noise reduction, up to 1222 kHz. However, it also has a small downside, that is there will be noise during its operation and cannot be removed by itself.

Active noise cancellation with in-ear microphone

Microphones of this type are placed inside the ear cups, in front of the speakers. Thanks to that, the microphone can hear the noise almost exactly with the sound that the user hears. From there, similar to the above, ANC will respond and handle the noise. However, this type of microphone cannot handle high frequency noises as efficiently as an external mic.

Active noise cancellation hybrid with microphone outside and inside the headset

This is simply the combination of placing the microphone both in and out of the headset. Gather the advantages of both types and minimize the disadvantages of both, providing the best noise cancellation.

Learn about active noise canceling ANC in headphones

2.5 What is the price for headphones equipped with active noise cancellation?

In 2019 and earlier, ANC is considered by many to be a high-end and genuine technology, so it is usually only integrated in high-segment headphones and quite expensive prices.

But recently, this technology is increasingly being applied, more headphones are produced for less than 100 USD (2 million VND).

Some leading audio companies like Sony or Anker have products such as the Sony MDR-ZX110NC earphone or Xiaomi has a Mi ANC that costs only 600,000 VND when returning to Vietnam.

Learn about active noise canceling ANC in headphones

2.6 The difference between two types of noise cancellation: Active and passive

Passive noise cancellation is as simple as using the In-Ear headphones or EarPads on the headphones to suppress a small amount of noise on the outside. Perhaps easier to understand, it is like when you use earplugs.

And active noise canceling technology is an electronic invention with the ability to automatically operate and eliminate most of the noise . This is modern technology, the research and production process is also more complicated.

Learn about active noise canceling ANC in headphones

3. When should I choose to buy noise-canceling headphones?

If you have a certain requirement for enjoyment and experience with sound quality, or you have the habit of listening to music to focus more on work or study, headphones with built-in noise canceling technology are. products for you.

The price is also higher than usual, so you can consider depending on your needs to choose a headset that best suits.

Learn about active noise canceling ANC in headphones


See also :

>>> Guide to choose the best headphones .

>>> What are Earbuds and In-ear headphones? How different?

>>> The sound technologies commonly found on headphones today .

Hope the above information will be useful for you in the product selection and procurement process. Let's discuss with WebTech360 through the comment section below.

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