How to completely remove Coc Coc browser on your computer
Learn how to uninstall Coc Coc browser completely from your computer, ensuring all data is removed. Follow these simple steps for an effective uninstallation.
If you are installing Coc Coc on your computer, you absolutely can use this browser as an extremely effective software to download torrent files . This is another remarkable feature of Coc Coc which is trusted by many users because at that time, they will not need to use other specialized software.
However, how to download Torrent files with Coc Coc is most of us know, but how to set Coc Coc as the default torrent file downloading tool is the opposite. In this article, will guide you how to set the default Torrent file download through Coc Coc browser.
We can set Coc Coc to be the default torrent download tool for computers right from the first installation interface. By ticking Set Coc Coc as the default torrent application .
Or if you forget, you can also launch this browser, then left-click on the green Coc Coc icon in the upper left corner of the screen, select Settings .
In the new interface, click on General , select the System default settings and tick the torrent function to enable this feature.
Tick the torrent function to activate downloading torrent on Coc Coc
In addition to activating the torrent download feature with Coc Coc, we can also go to the Download and torrent section to Customize torrent , then set the parameters in it as you like. You can even change the location of saved files for added convenience.
If you are in the process of downloading a torrent file to your computer, you can left-click on the down arrow icon or CTRL + J to access the download list on Coc Coc. From here, you can see which data is being downloaded, the size, the time, even interfere with the list of successfully downloaded to delete or add other download links.
The arrow icon on the right , corresponding to each link that is downloading the torrent file, also offers many different options. You can hover on it to view and use if you want.
Other settings for the file being downloaded
Simplifying the process of using the computer is essential, and using Coc Coc as a web browser with software to support downloading torrent files is also one of those things. It saves both capacity and minimizes the possibility of the computer being infected with viruses when installing new software.
In addition to supporting Torrent download, Coc Coc also owns a lot of features that you cannot help but know including: pinning videos , downloading videos , downloading MP3s from videos , speeding up file downloads, dictionary integration, shopping support online ... and a lot of other features.
So what are you waiting for, but you do not immediately download Coc Coc to get more benefits that Coc Coc brings:
I wish you successful implementation!
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