Common shortcuts in AutoCAD

AutoCAD is a technical drawing software that is loved by many people. When using this software, users can freely express their design ideas. Remembering the basic shortcut commands in AutoCAD is important for users to manipulate quickly and easily.

Common shortcuts in AutoCAD

So, you know the common shortcut commands on AutoCAD yet? If not, please refer to the following article of to use AutoCAD more effectively:

Common shortcuts in AutoCAD

Key to turn on / off common features

Ctrl+G Turn on the mesh
Ctrl+E Sequential conversion of planes of the same size
Ctrl+F Enable / disable snapshot of running objects
Ctrl+H Toggle Pick Style on / off
Ctrl+ Shift+H Enable / Hide all tools on design screen 
Ctrl+I Turn on / off coordinates
Ctrl+ Shift+I Turn on / off object links

Screen manager

Ctrl+ Clean the screen
Ctrl+1 Open / Disable property sheet
Ctrl+2 On / Off center design panel
Ctrl+3 Open / Disable tool panel
Ctrl+4 Turn on / off the Sheet Set sheet
Ctrl+6 DBConnect Manager On / Off
Ctrl+7 Enable / Disable Markup Set Manager panel
Ctrl+8 Quick calculations 
Ctrl+9 On / Off Command Line

Managing drawings

Ctrl+N Create new drawings
Ctrl+S Save the drawing
Ctrl+O Open the drawing
Ctrl+P Open the print dialog
Ctrl+Tab Switch to the next tab
Ctrl+ Shift+Tab Switch to the previous drawing
Ctrl+Page Up Switches to the previous tab in the current drawing
Ctrl+Page Down Switch to the next tab in the current drawing
Ctrl+Q Exit
Ctrl+ Shift+S Save the drawing as another file

Turn on / off drawing mode

F1 Turn on the help screen
F2 Enable / Disable text screen
F3 Enable / Disable object snap mode
F4 Turn on / off 3DOsnap
F5 Isoplane On / Off
F6 Enable / Disable Dynamic UCS
F7 Enable / Disable grid mode
F8 Enable / Disable horizontal and vertical fixation of brush strokes
F9 Enable / Disable Snap mode
F10 Enable / Disable Polar mode
F11 Enable / Disable Object Snap tracking
F12 Enable / Disable Dynamic Input mode

Workflow management

Ctrl+A Select the whole object
Ctrl+C Copy object
Ctrl+K Insert hyperlink
Ctrl+X Cut object
Ctrl+V Paste the object
Ctrl+ Shift+C Copy a point to the clipboard
Ctrl+ Shift+V Paste data in blocks
Ctrl+Z Undo the last action
Ctrl+Y Redo last action
Ctrl+ [or  ctrl+\] Cancel the current order 


Cancel the current order

Shortcuts and AutoCAD commands alphabetically

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | R | Q | S | T | U | V | W | X | Z

A ARC Create an arc
ADC ADCENTER Manage and insert content in blocks, xref and hatch patterns
AA AREA Calculate the area and perimeter of a particular object or area
AL ALIGN Align objects in 2D and 3D
AP APPLOAD Get the app
AR ARRAY Create multiple duplicate objects in a pattern
ARR ACTRECORD Start running Action Recorder
ARM ACTUSERMESSAGE Insert a user's message into an action macro
ARU ACTUSERINPUT Pause user input in an action macro
ARS ACTSTOP Stop Action Recorder and provide the option of recorded actions to action macro files
ATI ATTIPEDIT Change the content of an attribute in a block
ATT ATTDEF Redefine a block and update associated properties
ATE ATTEDIT Change attribute information in blocks
B BLOCK Create block definitions from selected objects
BC BCLOSE Close Block Editor
BEIGE BEDIT Open the block definition in Block Editor
BH HATCH Fill an enclosed area or selected object with a hatch, solid or gradient pattern
BO BOUNDARY Create region or polyline from enclosed area
BR BREAK Interrupt the selected object between two points
BS BSAVE Save current block definition
BVS BVSTATE Create, set or clear the status shown in the dynamic block
C CIRCLE Create a circle
ORANGES CAMERA Set camera position and target to create and save 3D views of objects
CBAR CONSTRAINTBAR The UI element is like a toolbar that displays geometric links available on the object.
CH PROPERTIES Control the properties of the current object
DAD CHAMFER Beveled edge objects
CHK CHECKSTANDARDS Check the current drawing for standard violations
CLI COMMANDLINE Display the command line window
COL COLOR Set colors for new objects
CO COPY Copy object from certain distance in certain direction
CT CTABLESTYLE Name the current table style
CUBE NAVVCUBE Control the display and display properties of the ViewCube tool
CYL CYLINDER Create 3D solid cylinder
D DIMSTYLE Create and edit dimensions
DAN DIMANGULAR Create corner size
DAR DIMARC Create an arc length size
DBA DIMBASELINE Create linear, angular, or coordinates based on previous or selected size
DBC DBCONNECT Provide interface to expand the data table
DCE DIMCENTER Create a center marker or center circle circle or arc
DCO DIMCONTINUE Create dimensions starting from the extended line of previously created dimensions
DCON DIMCONSTRAINT Apply dimension dimensions constraints to selected objects or points on the object
DDA DIMDISASSOCIATE Remove combinations from the selected sizes
DDI DIMDIAMETER Create diameter sizes for circles or arcs
DED DIMEDIT Edit text sizes and extended lines
DI DIST Measure the distance and angle between two points
DIV DIVIDE Create uniformly spaced point objects or blocks along the length or circumference of the object
DJL DIMJOGLINE Add or move a jog line on linear or aligned dimensions
DJO DIMJOGGED Create track sizes for circles and arcs
DL DATALINK Display the Data Link dialog box
DLU DATALINKUPDATE Update data to or from an established external data link
DO DONUT Draw a donut
DOR DIMORDINATE Create point coordinates
DOV DIMOVERRIDE Control overrides the system variables used in the selected size
DR DRAWORDER Change the order of photos and other objects
DRA DIMRADIUS Create radius sizes for circles or arcs
DRE DIMREASSOCIATE Combine or recombine selected dimensions for an object or point on an object.
DRM DRAWINGRECOVERY Displays a list of drawing files that can be recovered after a program or system error
DS DSETTINGS Set grid and snap, polarize and track object snap, Object Snap mode, Dynamic Input and Quick Properties
DT TEXT Create a one-line text object
DV DVIEW Determine parallel projection or viewing angles using the camera and target
DX DATAEXTRACTION Extract drawing data and merge data from external source into data extraction or external file
E ERASE Delete the object from the drawing
ED DDEDIT Edit one line text, text size, attribute definition and feature control panel
EL ELLIPSE Draw ellipse
EPDF EXPORTPDF Export drawings to PDF
er EXTERNALREFERENCES Open the External References panel
EX EXTEND Extend the object to match the edges of the other object
EXIT QUIT Exit the program
EXP EXPORT Save the object in the drawing to another file format
EXT EXTRUDE Expand the size of 2D objects or 3D surfaces to 3D space
F FILLET Create corners or rounded corners object
FI FILTER Filter objects by attributes
FS FSMODE Select a set of objects in contact with the selected objects
FSHOT FLATSHOT Create 2D drawings of all 3D objects based on the current viewer
G GROUP Create and manage saved collections of objects
GCON GEOCONSTRAINT Apply and maintain geometric relationships between objects or points on them
GD GRADIENT Paint a gradient on a private area or selected object
GEO GEOGRAPHICLOCATION Select geographic location information for the drawing file
H HATCH Create a section, fill in a gradient or solid for the selected object or area
HE HATCHEDIT Edit hatch or existing block
HI HIDE Recreate 3D models with hidden lines
I INSERT Insert blocks or drawings into current drawings
IAD IMAGEADJUST Calibrate display brightness, contrast and blur value of the image
IAT IMAGEATTACH Insert references on an image file
ICL IMAGECLIP Cropping displays the selected image on the specified border
ID ID Displays the UCS coordinate value of a given position
IM IMAGE Display the External References table
IMP IMPORT Import files of different formats into the current drawing
PRINT INTERSECT Create 2D areas or surfaces, solid objects intersecting from other objects
INF INTERFERE Create temporary 3D solid objects
IO INSERTOBJ Insert linked or embedded objects
J JOIN Join similar objects to form a unified object
JOG DIMJOGGED Create jogged dimension for circle and arc
L LINE Create straight lines
LA LAYER Manage layers and layer properties
LAS LAYERSTATE Save, restore and manage named layer states
LE QLEADER Create annotation paths
WOOL LENGTHEN Change object length and arc angles
LESS MESHSMOOTHLESS Reduce the smoothness of mesh objects by one level
LI LIST Display attribute data for selected objects
WORRY LAYOUT Create and edit drawing of layout tabs
LT LINETYPE Download, set and edit straight line types
LTS LTSCALE Change linetype ratios of all objects in the drawing
LW LWEIGHT Set thickness display options and stroke unit
M MOVE Move objects in the direction and at a certain distance
GHOST MATCHPROP Apply the properties of the selected object to another object
ME MEASURE Join similar objects into a unified object
MEA MEASUREGEOM Measure distance, radius, angle, area and volume of selected objects or points
MI MIRROR Make copies of selected objects
ML MLINE Create multiple parallel lines
MLA MLEADERALIGN Align and expand selected multi-level objects
MLC MLEADERCOLLECT Arrange selected multileaders containing blocks into rows or columns, displaying the results in a single comment
MLD MLEADER Create multileader object
MLE MLEADEREDIT Add or remove comment lines from multileader objects
MLS MLEADERSTYLE Create and edit multileader types
MO PROPERTIES Control the properties of the current object
MORE MESHSMOOTHMORE Increase a smooth level of mesh object
MS MSPACE Switch from paper space to model view
MSM MARKUP Open Markup Set Manager
MV MVIEW Create and control layout portals
NORTH GEOGRAPHICLOCATION Set geographic location information for the drawing file
NSHOT NEWSHOT Create a named view with the motion played back through ShowMotion
NVIEW NEWVIEW Create a named viewer but there is no motion
O OFFSET Create concentric circles, straight lines & parallel curves
OFFSETSRF SURFOFFSET Create parallel planes or solids by setting offset distance from the surface
OP OPTIONS Customize program settings
ORBIT / 3DO 3DORBIT Rotate the view in 3D, but are limited to horizontal and vertical trajectories only
OS OSNAP Set the mode snap to the running object
P PAN Move the whole drawing
PA PASTESPEC Paste the object from the Clipboard into the current drawing and control the data format
PAR PARAMETERS Control the combined parameters used in the drawing
PARAM BPARAMETER Add parameters containing grip to the dynamic block definition
PATCH SURFPATCH Create a new surface by covering the surface edge, forming a closed loop
PCATTACH POINTCLOUDATTACH Insert index point cloud file into current drawing
PE PEDIT Edit polygons and 3D polygon meshes
PL PLINE Multi-line drawing
PO POINT Draw points
POFF HIDEPALETTES Hide current display panel (include command line)
POL POLYGON Create closed polyline with equilateral edges
PON SHOWPALETTES Restore hidden palette display
PR PROPERTIES Display the Properties panel
PRE PREVIEW Show drawings when printing
PRINT PLOT Print blueprints for plotters, printers or files
PS PSPACE Switch from model view to paper format
PSOLID POLYSOLID Create polysolid like a 3D wall
PU PURGE Remove unused items, such as defining blocks and layers from drawings
PYR PYRAMID Create 3D solid pyramids
QC QUICKCALC Open the QuickCalc computer
QCUI QUICKCUI Display Customize User Interface Editor in compact status
QP QUICKPROPERTIES Show drawing and open layout in preview image
Q QSAVE Save the current drawing
QVD QVDRAWING Display drawings and open layouts in a blueprint with preview images
QVDC QVDRAWINGCLOSE Close the preview image of the drawing and open layout in the drawing
QVL QVLAYOUT Displays a preview of the model space and layout in the drawing
QVLC QVLAYOUTCLOSE Close the preview image of the space and model layout on the current drawing
R REDRAW Refresh the screen in the current view window
OUT REDRAWALL Refresh the screen in all viewing windows
RC RENDERCROP Show certain rectangular areas, called crop windows
RE REGEN Recreate the entire drawing from the current viewport
REA REGENALL Recreate the drawing and refresh the entire portal
REC RECTANG Create rectangular polygons
REG REGION Converts an object surrounding an area to a polygon object
LACE RENAME Change the name assigned to items such as class and size type
REV REVOLVE Create a rotating 3D cube
RO ROTATE Rotate the object around a base point
RP RENDERPRESETS Define reusable rendering presets and parameters to display images
RR RENDER Rendering images of solid models or 3D surfaces
RW RENDERWIN Display the Render window without starting the rendering operation
S STRETCH Stretching / Collecting / Collecting objects
SC SCALE Zoom in or out on the object proportionally
SCR SCRIPT Execute a sequence of commands from the script file
SEC SECTION Use the intersection of planes and solid blocks, surfaces or meshes to create areas
SET SETVAR List or change the value of system variables
SL SLICE Create 3D solid objects with new surfaces by slicing or dividing existing objects
SN SNAP Limit the movement of the mouse cursor in a certain period of time
SO SOLID Create triangles and fill words from the triangle
SP SPELL Check spelling in drawings
SPE SPLINEDIT Edit the spline or spline-fit polyline
SPL SPLINE Create smooth curves crossing or near specified points
SPLANE SECTIONPLANE Create objects that act as cross-sections through 3D objects
SPLAY SEQUENCEPLAY Open named viewers in a category
SPLIT MESHSPLIT Split mesh surface into two parts
SSM SHEETSET Open Sheet Set Manager
ST STYLE Create, edit or define text styles
STA STANDARDS Manage standard file association with drawings
SU SUBTRACT Combine the selected 3D solid, surface or 2D area to remove
T MTEXT Create multi-line text object
TA TEXTALIGN Align multiple text objects vertically, horizontally or diagonally
TB TABLE Create blank table object
TED TEXTEDIT Edit the size or text object
th THICKNESS Set the default 3D thickness attribute when creating 2D geometric objects
TI TILEMODE Control access to paper space
TOL TOLERANCE Create geometric tolerances within a feature control panel
TOR TORUS Create 3D solid objects shaped like donuts
TP TOOLPALETTES Open the Tool Palettes window
TR TRIM Trimming the object to satisfy the edge of other objects
TS TABLESTYLE Create, edit or define a table style
UC UCSMAN Manage the user-selected coordinate system
UN UNITS Determine coordinates, angle display format and accuracy
UNHIDE / UNISOLATE UNISOLATEOBJECTS Show previously hidden objects using ISOLATEOBJECTS or the HIDEOBJECTS command.
UNI UNION Addition of blocks
V VIEW Save and restore named view windows, camera angles, layout view and preset
VGO VIEWGO Restore the named view
VP VPOINT Set direction of 3D view
VPLAY VIEWPLAY Run animation in conjunction with the named viewer
WITH VSCURRENT Set visual style in current view
VSM VISUALSTYLES Create and edit visual styles and apply it to a view
W WBLOCK Writes objects or blocks to a new drawing file
WE WEDGE Draw a 3D solid wedge shape
WHEEL NAVSWHEEL Displays a wheel that contains a collection of view navigation tools
X EXPLODE Split a composite object into a component object
FAR XATTACH Insert DWG file as external reference (xref)
XB XBIND Link one or more named object definitions in the xref file to the current drawing.
XC XCLIP Cut the external reference display or the selected block to a certain boundary
XL XLINE Draw straight lines of infinite length
Z ZOOM Increase or decrease the magnification of the current view
ZEBRA ANALYSISZEBRA Project the stripes into a 3D model to analyze the continuity of the surface
ZIP ETRANSMIT Create compressed or self-extracting Transmittal Package

Above is a summary of all useful keyboard shortcuts in graphic design software AutoCAD. Hope the article is helpful to you.

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