Review and interpretation of the movie Svaha: The sixth finger

Duration: 123 minutes

Director: Jae-hyun Jang

Actors: Ji-Tae Yoo, Jung-jae Lee, Jung-min Park 

Country: Korea

Genre: Horror, detective, fantasy

Premiere: 2019

Review and interpretation of the movie Svaha: The sixth finger

Looking for Netflix 's odd movie store to see if there are any interesting movies, WebTech360 discovered the movie Svaha: The Sixth Finger (2019) . Find out more information on the Internet, there are people complimenting the good film, others criticizing the film, but the main reason is that the film has many difficult metaphorical images. Come on, let's review and explain this movie from the land of Kim Chi to understand more about the film.



Plot: Pastor Park is a leading expert in investigating and revealing fraudulent organizations disguised in the form of Religion . During one time, while investigating the Deer Hill Society, he accidentally discovered many horrifying facts related to Religion and murder cases that were causing the police to go to a dead end. Let's explore the above mysteries over the 120 minutes of Svaha: Your sixth finger .


One thing has to be sure that this movie looks extremely attractive and attractive because it successfully combines elements of detective, horror and spirituality in harmony, bringing viewers curiosity. WebTech360 believes that during or after watching Svaha: Sixth finger , you will have to ask Professor Google about some information related to Religion , more specifically Buddhism to better understand the role and nature. of that in the movie.

Another interesting thing is the opening film we are seeing about Christianity but then the film focuses on Buddhism and ideas of this religion . Just listen to that, don't worry about the movie being dry or boring because the way to build the plot of the movie is extremely clever, stimulating your curiosity through the appearance of fictional characters only in the script. books, bringing interesting feelings like watching Tay Du Ky or Phong Than Bang .

However, it is not because of the divine nature or the devil mentioned above that Svaha: The sixth finger loses its practicality. The film brings these supernatural elements into real life in a logical and reasonable way, helping viewers understand why there are people who strongly believe in Religion , even ready to martyrdom. The film gradually opens up each mystery of the story and brings Religion to the audience in an extremely understandable way with deep philosophies.


Review and interpretation of the movie Svaha: The sixth finger

Many of you will wonder if this movie is scary, bloody or not? The answer is yes, but quite a few details like that. Svaha: The sixth finger will also have a few episodes related to ghosts and murder, watching at night is a bit scary but compared to other ghost movies, this movie is not enough (at least for WebTech360 ) because the film mainly focuses on the elements of detective and Religion .

Svaha: The sixth finger also has some nasty steering moves that make you feel extremely excited about the plot of the movie. The inference, investigation and logic in the movie are also quite convincing, but attractive, but if you are Korean or who know Korean, these details will feel better, similar to when we read Detective Conan. , having knowledge of Chinese characters will understand more about the explanation of the case.

Through the above story, Svaha: The sixth finger conveys a lot of Buddhist ideas to the viewers , explains the fanaticism towards Religions , affirms the family love and human love in life. These factors are a bit more you read in the Explanation of WebTech360 movies to understand more deeply. This part, WebTech360 promises not to disclose the content of the movie, so it just stops here.

Review and interpretation of the movie Svaha: The sixth finger

The ending of the movie seems a bit simple, so it must make many of you feel unsatisfied or not pressured enough. However, from the perspective of Buddhist conception , it is a quite reasonable and complete conclusion. WebTech360 likes Svaha's content : The sixth finger is as well as the metaphorical meanings of the movie, so I grade this section 8.5 / 10 .

Image-sound: The shaping part of Svaha: The sixth finger is done relatively well, the technique is a bit virtual but still ensures the aesthetics of the work. The devilish image of the movie is quite scary, it looks very scary, guys. The music of the film is nothing special and impressive, making WebTech360 not remember if the movie has any background music or not. Meanwhile, some of the devil's cries in the movie sound like a lot and this and that, guys. WebTech360 scores this section 7.5 / 10 .

Acting: Svaha: The sixth finger brings together a group of actors who are quite familiar with Vietnamese audiences , most notably Jung -jae Lee and Ji-Tae-Yoo. The charisma of the actors is very good, fully expressing the expression and personality of the character. However, unlike the general nature of Korean films, this film does not really bring a lot of emotions to the viewers, but instead creates a lot of curiosity and thrilling to watch. WebTech360 marks the acting part 8/10 guys.

Review and interpretation of the movie Svaha: The sixth finger

Assessment scale:

IMDB: 6.2 / 10 (2,019 reviews)

Google: 87/100

Phimmoi: 94/100

In short , Svaha: The Sixth Finger is anextremely worth watchingdetective, horror and Religion movie of the land of Kim Chi . Please be patient to watch all of this movie on Netflix and if you do not understand the content of the movie, please return to WebTech360 to find and read the movie explanation right below this review.



In this part, WebTech360 will focus on telling you about the content of the film as well as some of the symbolic meanings of Svaha: The sixth finger . So if you have not seen the movie, consider reading this section but do not know the content first. If you are ready then let's get started.

1. What happened in the movie Svaha: The sixth finger :

To better understand the film, let's first go through a little about some details in the Buddhist scriptures. Buddha Maitreya is seen as the Buddha appears on earth, is also the Buddha will succeed Pope Buddha Sakyamuni in the future when the beings entered a period of Dharma Ending ( Buddhism is human forgetfulness) .

Next, have you noticed that the images of the Four Great Kings (or Four Great Vajras ) are frequently seen in the temples? According to the Buddha , they are God minister of heaven assigned to protect and preserve the Buddha Fa and look after four attacks. The Four Great Kings include: North Thien Vuong (Da Van) - protecting the Buddha's path ; Nam Thien Vuong (Growth) - enlighten the good base, develop crops;  Dong Thien Vuong (Tri Quoc) - Protecting living beings, exorcising demons, preserving land and Tay Thien Vuong (Quang Muc) - Looking far and wide.

Returning to the plot of the film, Kim Je Seok was born in 1899 with the essence of being the reincarnation of Maitreya Buddha through having six fingers on each hand. Through his practice, he became a noble monk, a true master and attained the realm of eternal youth. During the Japanese invasions of Korea and after 1945, through the exchange of Buddhism , Kim Je Seok contributed to improving the relations between the two countries and at the same time helping Korea regain the Japan invaded during the period of domination.

Review and interpretation of the movie Svaha: The sixth finger

He is held very seriously by the Buddhists in Japan and other leaders here. However, due to much contact with Japanese Buddhism in the postwar period, he was gradually influenced by Buddhist ideology here. Accordingly, he gradually misunderstood the " cultivation of righteousness " with the meaning of attaining enlightenment, understanding the ego, escaping the mundane and going to Nirvana into the meaning of " immortality ".

In 1985, Kim Je-seok through Tibet met Cao increase Nechung Tenpa. Here, this noble told Kim Je Seok about what he prophesied. It is 100 years after Kim Je Seok was born, there will be a demon python born in the form of a baby girl in the same place where Kim Je Seok was born. This child will be a natural enemy, threatening Kim Je Seok's spiritual practice.

Since then, Kim Je Seok feared that the devil would destroy his immortality. So he moved up in the high mountains, separated from his residents, to live, practice and plan. He considered himself the embodiment of Maitreya Buddha, so he looked for "assistants" as in the Buddhist scriptures , including: 2 small servants and the Four Great Kings . Kim Ke Seok looks for a male and female helpers and assists him in finding more Four Heavenly Kings and some other Bodhisattvas .

Kim Je Seok's goal is to kill all children born in 1999 in his hometown. His view is that it is better to kill by mistake than to omit it, to preserve his immortality. However, he could not take action directly because it would affect his cultivation. Therefore, he needed to quickly search for the Four Heavenly Kings to protect himself.

Review and interpretation of the movie Svaha: The sixth finger


In the process of searching for the Four Heavenly Kings , Kim Je Seok noticed a local reformatory, where four children, despite their young ages, were guilty of killing their parents. This is indeed the right choice for him because they are small, easy to teach, and at the same time they already have a murderous nature, so it is even more convenient for his assignment. Kim Je Seok directs everything through his valet by sponsoring the other reformatory for free, thereby enjoying the right to sponsor the four criminal children mentioned above.

In 1999, in Kim Je Seok's hometown, 82 girls were born, including two twin sisters. However, the older sister is the embodiment of the devil, right from the womb, she bit a portion of the flesh on her sister's leg to survive. This baby also has 6 fingers, but that is not a symbol of Buddha but of the devil. This little child planted the death of his parents, withered trees and massively died of livestock. However, out of love for her grandchild, grandparents still raised the unhappy grandchild in a sneaky (without birth), locked him in a room, sealed it with a cross and read the Bible every night to cleanse his mind. soul it.

Back to Kim Je Seok. After bringing the four children back, his valet trained and stuffed the idea of ​​the Four Great Kings into their heads. In 2000, Kim Je Seok looked up the birth numbers of the children born in 1999 in his hometown and encoded it into a sutra . Four Great Heavenly King entrusted the task to kill the "devil" coded born in Beijing and if they die while on duty they will be enlightened become Uranus , similar to the theory of the former Four The Great King is a devil but enlightened by the Buddha Dharma , he turns to kill the evil and become a fairy.

Review and interpretation of the movie Svaha: The sixth finger

To support the above plan, Kim Je Seok founded a sect called Deer Hill . According to Korean legend , a deer sacrificed his life to save another deer who was prepared to be slaughtered for a feast for the king. Since then, the deer was transformed into a Bodhisattva and was moved by the above incident, so the king built a park for the deer to take refuge. However, according to the details in the film, it can be seen that Kim Je Seok thinks that deer represent immortality and immortality, so he took this image to represent his sect.

Deer Hill sect has 4 branches, located in four directions from the center is the hometown of Kim Je Seok. The 4 branches correspond to the 4 Heavenly Kings and are a place to hide and exchange communication between 4 people trained by Kim Je Seok. If any of these 4 died, the branch heads would have a picture of the emperor with a halo ring on his head, to signal to Kim Je Seok and the others. From these places, the above Four Heavenly Kings split up and went to kill the girls in sight (even abroad to find and kill) and fabricated these incidents under the guise of accidents. or missing.

By 2014, they had killed 79 girls, but in exchange the North Thien Vuong and Nam Thien Vuong both died on duty. Dong Thien Vuong (Tri Quoc) and Tay Thien Vuong ( Quang Muc ) were haunted by the wrong actions of their past time, making both of them unable to sleep. However, they still try to fulfill the mission and Kim Je Seok entrusts it. Therefore, Tri Quoc killed the 80th girl and staged an accident on the highway.

Review and interpretation of the movie Svaha: The sixth finger

Pastor Park is an expert in investigating and exposing fraudulent organizations disguised in the form of Religion . Recently, he became suspicious of the Deer Hill sect and secretly followed it. In addition, through the investigation of the death of the 80th baby, the police here discovered the suspect is Tri Quoc and tracked him back to his mother's home. However, he knew the police were surrounded in the house so he climbed to the terrace to commit suicide.

Quang Muc witnessed the above scene very heartbreaking, but he was determined to finish killing the 81st girl. He went to the house of the sister in the twins (but did not know the existence of the sister). He was about to kill her sister, but even though she was locked up she still called the crow to scare off Quang Muc . Although she is the embodiment of the devil, but because of the love and blood, the older sister still tries to protect her younger brother.

After the investigation, Pastor Park gradually guessed Kim Je Seok's plot. He followed Quang Muc when he had just failed to kill the 81st child, so he lost faith and needed to go to Kim Je Seok's residence for advice. After meeting Kim Je Seok, Quang Muc had more motivation to act, while Pastor Park stole Quang Muc 's car door and learned of his next goal as well as linking the group's murder chain. this.

The younger sister in the twins stole money from grandparents to go to Seoul to play with her boyfriend through texting. Seeing her sister in custody, screaming and tormenting people often, she put insecticides on her food and left it in front of the cell for her sister. After that, my sister left but felt sorry for her and loved her so she ran back and kicked the bowl of food. After she did, she actually left and was kidnapped by Quang Muc . He was going to bury this little girl alive when she said that we still have a twin sister, please kill to rescue her. Hearing that, Quang Muc immediately ran back, planning to force her sister to bury her sister alive.

Review and interpretation of the movie Svaha: The sixth finger

Meanwhile, Pastor Park talked with the Tibetan monk Nechung Tenpa during his lecture in Korea . Thanks to that, Park fully understood the spheres of the story and was determined to reveal the face of Kim Je Seok. He and his partner waited for Quang Muc for him to lead them to Kim Je Seok's place.


When he returned to the house of the twins, Quang Muc locked the cell and tried to go to strangle her sister. However, the person in front of him at this time was sitting cross-legged, holding the Buddha's hand and bald head. In fact, the older sister, due to her lack of bathing and malnutrition, and serious illness, naturally lost all her hair. Although born as a devil, but relatives still did not throw her away, and at the same time listening to the Bible daily , her older sister was gradually transformed. At that time, Buddha appeared in her to convey and admonish Quang Muc to turn his head to shore.

Quang Muc obeyed her sister's words, hurriedly ran to Kim Je Seok's shelter to check the sixth finger of the person lying on the hospital bed (who was Kim Je Seok's male servant). Until this time, Quang Muc still believed that the valet was Kim Je Seok, so when he discovered that the person on the bed did not have 6 fingers, he was shocked and began to wake up. Kim Je Seok (real) led him outside and shot him a shot in the stomach to cover the lead.

Pastor Park now sneaks inside the room and knows who the real Kim Je Seok is by seeing him turn off the breathing apparatus for the attendant who is too old and weak. Kim Je Seok sets out to kill her sister, while Pastor Park saves Quang Muc . When reaching the middle of the road, Pastor Park's car deliberately crashed into Kim Je Seok's car. While Park and Kim were arguing, Quang Muc sneaked into Kim Je Seok's car.

Review and interpretation of the movie Svaha: The sixth finger

When Kim's car went a bit, Quang Muc used the neckband to strangle Kim Je Seok, causing the car to lose control, crash into the side of the road and tumble in the air. Kim Je Seok got out of the car as if nothing had happened but Quang Muc obeyed the " Buddha " of the incarnation, hurriedly grabbed Kim's feet to smear him with gasoline, then lit the villain. In the end, both Quang Muc and Kim Je Seok died in the presence of Pastor Park. At the same time, the sister also escaped by herself and returned home to find her older sister. Due to being too weak, the older sister also passed away in her brother's arms.

2. Some of the symbolic meanings of the movie

Svaha: The sixth finger contains a lot of Buddhist philosophy and below are some of the symbolic meanings as well as interesting details that WebTech360 can think of, namely:

+ The Buddha 's incarnation has 6 fingers; The devil's incarnation also has 6 fingers, but in the end the Buddha turned an evil spirit , the devil became Buddha again . The line between Buddha and Devil, between good and evil is really fragile.

The older sister was born as a devil. However, her family did not deny her, along with daily listening to the Bible , her temperament gradually improved . The older sister also tried to protect the younger brother when it was in danger. These things show that love for family and a good living environment can feel everything even if it's bad guys from the ground.

Review and interpretation of the movie Svaha: The sixth finger

+ Cultivation into righteous results does not mean immortality, but also must obey ordinary samsara. As the Tibetan master said, One is born for another to be born; One person is destroyed in order for the other to be destroyed . Like the relationship between insects and their natural enemies, it must happen in order for everything to be balanced.

+ The film explains why there are children who are willing to die for martyrs, ready to cause big things, simply because they believe too much in the people they worship, similar to how the Four Great The emperor in the film did it to serve Kim Je Seok. Through the detail that the little girl listens to the Bible and is inspired to become a Buddha preventing Quang Muc from doing bad things, the film shows us no distinction between Christianity or Buddhism , because of purpose. The orthodoxy of these Religions is that they want people to live a better life.

+ Svaha is the name of a sutra in Indian Buddhism . The name of the movie The Sixth Finger is intended to refer to a special symbol of a person, but it is not distinguished whether it is Buddha or a Devil.

+ According to legend, Quang Muc means foresight and this King usually carries a snake. From this detail, we understand the filmmakers' intentions to let this character survive in the end and let him converse with the real Buddha .

+ According to the details in the movie, the serpent is an animal representing the devil, but hanging the Buddha Dharma, this naga is also one of the protectors and protectors of the Buddha against evil forces. That is the reason that the snakes surround her at the end to protect her against the attempted murder of Quang Muc . Meanwhile, at the beginning of the movie, the snake is inducible by the devil to attack the dongsaeng to dare to invade its whereabouts.

Review and interpretation of the movie Svaha: The sixth finger

Above is what WebTech360 recognize from films Svaha: Fingers Friday - The Sixth Finger (2019) . If you recognize many other philosophies and interesting things, please remember to leave a comment below this review for everyone to discuss.


And you, how do you rate this movie?



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