Instructions for changing the screen lock timeout on Windows 11

Instructions for changing the screen lock timeout on Windows 11. While using Windows 11, there are times when users will need to leave the computer for a period of time.
Instructions for changing the screen lock timeout on Windows 11. While using Windows 11, there are times when users will need to leave the computer for a period of time.
How to split the screen to work with multiple windows at the same time on Windows 10, Instructions for working with multiple windows at the same time (Multi Tasking) and how to activate this mode on Windows 10.
Instructions on how to use keyboard shortcuts to Shutdown or Sleep on Windows 10 quickly.
Some ways to remove Microsoft Store - application market built on Windows 10 simply and thoroughly.
Windows File Explorer will display a notification whenever the user is trying to delete a file that is currently opened by another program or system. At that time, you cannot open, edit or delete this file. They are still running in the background and have been closed improperly.