
Instructions for using Photoshop filters for beginners

Instructions for using Photoshop filters for beginners

Instructions for using Photoshop filters for beginners, Each filter in Photoshop has its own algorithm and uses. Below are instructions for using the internal filter

How to change the color of an object in Photoshop

How to change the color of an object in Photoshop

How to change the color of an object in Photoshop, Photoshop helps you easily isolate and change the color of an object in a photo. Here's how to change the color of an object

How to change screen mode in Photoshop

How to change screen mode in Photoshop

How to change screen mode in Photoshop, You can change the Adobe Photoshop interface according to working style or screen size. And switch screen mode

3 ways to edit sunsets in Photoshop

3 ways to edit sunsets in Photoshop

3 ways to edit sunset in Photoshop, Sunset is always a scene that every photographer wants to capture. However, taking sunset photos is not easy. Wear

Instructions for installing and using the TinyPNG and TinyJPG plugins in Photoshop

Instructions for installing and using the TinyPNG and TinyJPG plugins in Photoshop

TinyPNG and TinyJPG are high quality image compression tools. The article will guide you how to install and use the Photoshop plugin TinyPNG and TinyJPG very simple, easiest.

How to add Vietnamese font for Photoshop

How to add Vietnamese font for Photoshop

The lack of Vietnamese fonts is one of the reasons why you cannot type Vietnamese in Photoshop.

How to use Glyph beautifully in Adobe Photoshop CC

How to use Glyph beautifully in Adobe Photoshop CC

The word "Glyph" comes from the Greek word, "carved", outside the basic alphabet. Glyph can be currency symbols, copyright marks, & ... You are free to create them in Adobe Photoshop CC.

7 ways to open PSD files without Photoshop

7 ways to open PSD files without Photoshop

The following article will introduce you 7 best tools to view PSD files without using Photoshop image editing software.

Turn photos and hand-drawn images into vectors with Adobe Illustrator

Turn photos and hand-drawn images into vectors with Adobe Illustrator

Converting images and hand-drawn images into vectors in Adobe Illustrator will help keep the image quality unchanged when you change images based on pixels.

How to use GIMP to edit photos

How to use GIMP to edit photos

GIMP is one of the most similar photo editing software in Photoshop. Not only the interface, but also the features are quite similar.

How to create logos very quickly with AAA Logo

How to create logos very quickly with AAA Logo

Graphic design software AAA Logo is a very useful logo design application for graphic designers, with AAA logo you will have all the tools to design products for businesses such as business cards, letterhead, banner, leaflet, poster, rent.

How to use Photoshop Fix to edit photos on your phone

How to use Photoshop Fix to edit photos on your phone

Photoshop Fix is ​​an image editing tool that is rated as the best and impresses the strongest users today.

Common mistakes when using Photoshop

Common mistakes when using Photoshop

Photoshop is a professional photo editor, loved by many users. Like other software in the process of use often generates errors, causing users to struggle forever do not know how to handle, there are some very simple handling errors that n

How to write text in a circle in Photoshop

How to write text in a circle in Photoshop

Writing text in a circle in Photoshop is one of the fairly simple Photoshop tricks when using this photo editing software.

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