
How to change 7-Zip language

How to change 7-Zip language

Changing language on 7-Zip helps us use the language of 7-Zip as we want without affecting the interface or features inherent in this compression and decompression tool.

How to compress and decompress files with 7-Zip?

How to compress and decompress files with 7-Zip?

Knowing how to compress and decompress files with 7-Zip will help us a lot in the process of using computers and manipulating data files.

How to delete the original file after compressing with WinRAR

How to delete the original file after compressing with WinRAR

Deleting the original file after compressing with WinRAR saves disk space for the computer.

How to install and use 7-Zip software

How to install and use 7-Zip software

7zip is software that supports extremely effective file compression. Although compact, but contains many extremely prominent advantages.

Should use 7-Zip or WinRAR?

Should use 7-Zip or WinRAR?

The following article will make a 7-Zip and WinRAR comparison, so that we can see which tool is better and should choose 7-Zip or WinRAR to compress and decompress data.

Instructions for splitting and joining files on Windows

Instructions for splitting and joining files on Windows

Do you need to split a large file into several small files or merge small files into one for easier sharing? The following tools will help you do that.

How to set a password for the compressed file with WinRAR and 7-Zip

How to set a password for the compressed file with WinRAR and 7-Zip

Currently there are quite a few tools to help compress and decompress data, but in terms of popularity and most used are 7-Zip and WinRAR. The following article will guide you how to protect compressed files with password

Guide to cut and join files by 7-Zip

Guide to cut and join files by 7-Zip

Sometimes you want to share documents with your friends over the Internet but the file size is too large to send. So what to do? Similar to WinRAR, 7-Zip also supports split files easily.

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