A refrigerator is the most available device in every home to preserve food spoilage for a long time. Let WebTech360 learn about the structure and basic operating principles of the refrigerator!
Basic structure of the refrigerator
A conventional refrigerator consists of 4 main devices: condenser, compressor (Block), refrigerant (gas), evaporator.
- Condenser:
This is a device that exchanges heat between the refrigerant (cold gas) condenser and the cooling medium (water or air). The condenser performs the main task of releasing the heat of the condensed refrigerant into the environment. Materials used to make the condenser are usually made of iron, copper, and radiator fins.
Normally a condenser is installed, one end (inlet) is attached to the push end of the compressor, the other end (liquid lip end) is attached to the filter drying filter before connecting to the capillary.
The compressor (Block) is one of the indispensable equipment of the refrigerator
- Compressor (Block):
Refrigerators are usually equipped with one or two piston compressors, using a hand crank mechanism to convert rotational motion into reciprocating motion of the piston.
The compressor (Block) will absorb all the refrigerant vapors generated in the evaporator, while maintaining the pressure required for low temperature evaporation. And another major task is to compress the vapor from the vapor pressure to the condenser pressure and push it into the condenser.
- Refrigerant (Gas):
A volatile liquid placed in a refrigerator to create cold temperatures. Many technological installation systems use pure ammonia as the refrigerant. Refrigerant evaporation temperature is around -27 degrees C (about -32 degrees C).
- Evaporator:
The evaporator of a refrigerator is considered a heat exchange device between the refrigerant on the one hand and the medium that needs cooling. The evaporator is responsible for collecting the heat of the cold medium and feeding the refrigerant boiling at low temperatures. This device is installed behind the capillary tube or throttle valve, before the compressor in the refrigeration system.
4 basic steps of a refrigerator
The principle of operation of the refrigerator
Refrigerators use dry steam to absorb heat. Refrigerators work quite complex, with different components and play an important role in the cooling cycle.
The operating principle of a refrigerator goes through 4 steps:
Step 1: Compress the gas (refrigerant) at the compressor:
The refrigerator has a compressor (position 4 in the diagram) used to compress the refrigerant to high pressure and high temperature, at which time the state is in the gaseous state.
Step 2: Condensation at outdoor unit (1):
After passing through the compressor, the solvent is pushed to the outdoor unit (No. 1 in the diagram), where the medium at high pressure and temperature is cooled by the air and condenses into a high-pressure liquid. and low temperature. At the same time, this is also the place where the heat to condenser takes place, so when you touch the side of the cabinet where the condenser is located you will feel hot.
Step 3: Dilation (2):
Next, the liquid at high pressure passes through the expansion device (position 3 in the illustration image) (Throttle valve) under the action of the solvent damper turning from high pressure and low temperature into pressure. low capacity and low temperature.
Step 4: Evaporation at indoor unit (3):
Here the refrigerant receives hot heat from the air in the refrigerator to evaporate, in the process of evaporating the solvent will collect the heat of the air in the refrigerator and cool the environment in the refrigerator. After the vaporization, the refrigerant (gas) will return to the compressor to continue a new cycle.
Cooling systems of refrigerators Hitachi Inverter 339 liter r-fg450pgv8 (gbk)
WebTech360 has introduced you to the basic principles of refrigerator operation. However, each brand and type of refrigerator is different that this operating process may change or add some other technology and features to the device. If you want to buy a high quality refrigerator with the most reasonable price, go to WebTech360 or order online on WebTech360 to receive attractive promotions and gifts.