» How to
Schedule IDM to automatically shutdown
Schedule IDM to automatically shutdown
Video Schedule IDM to automatically shutdown
You are downloading a large-capacity movie, but you are very sleepy or have a little longer to finish downloading a video, but you have to go outside. So what to do with this unfinished download link?
Do not worry!!! IDM has integrated automatic shutdown mode after the download of data is completed. The following article will guide you to set up this mode:
Step 2: In the Scheduler window that appears, select the Files tab in the queue. In the Download box you enter the number of files to download (here are 4 that can be downloaded simultaneously 4 files), the value in this box may vary depending on the needs of each person. Select finished press Start now => Apply.
Step 3: Then switch to the Schedule tab, select the following boxes:
One-time downloading: Download only once.
Hang up modem when done: Turn off the modem when the download is complete.
Exit Internet Download Manager when done: Exit Internet Download Manager after the download is finished.
Turn off computer when done: Turn off the computer after downloading.
Force processes to terminate: Disable IDM's operating process to make the shutdown process faster.
In addition, you can set when downloading data, in the download window, select the Options tab on completion, uncheck Show download complete dialog , then check the 4 boxes as shown:
So you can rest assured that the device sleeps well or go out with friends already !!!