Pregnant, craving sweet is a boy or a girl? A question of many pregnant mothers!

According to folk experience, through the taste of the pregnant mother, one can partly guess the sex of the fetus. In which, the sweet-craving pregnancy of a boy or a girl is also the question of many pregnant mothers to predict that they will give birth to a princess or a prince.

Why does pregnancy crave sweetness?

Mothers also know that, when morning sickness, some pregnant women crave sweet, they usually only eat sweet foods and minimize eating other foods. The reason is because it does not taste during pregnancy.

This problem can arise in the first few months of pregnancy and gradually subside. Though this is a natural body's response.

However, pregnant mothers also need to pay attention and control, avoid affecting the fetal development when overusing sweet foods.

      Pregnant, craving sweet is a boy or a girl?  A question of many pregnant mothers!

Before I wonder if eating sweets is a boy or a daughter, I need to know that eating a lot of sweets firstly increases the mother's risk of tooth decay and other oral diseases. During pregnancy, mothers eat a lot of sweet food that can cause obesity and overweight for the baby at birth.

Obesity interferes with children's brain development. At the same time, this is also the source of gestational diabetes, which should be noted.

Pregnant, craving sweet is a boy or a girl?

The sweet craving for a son or a daughter is the question of many pregnant mothers in the first trimester. The concept of "having a sweet craving for a boy, a craving for a girl" may be true. Many sweet gourds realize that the cravings for sweet include candy, chocolate, cakes, ... and not long after that a boy was born.

Of course, mothers should not rely on 100% of their own predictions to buy things for their babies too early. Besides this sign, some other signs from folk experience also help mothers predict the baby is a boy or a girl.

Morning sickness

Almost every pregnant mother who starts pregnancy also faces morning sickness . But if you get serious morning sickness, you may be pregnant with a baby girl.

Symptoms of morning sickness that lasted the whole pregnancy made it difficult for the mother to eat and drink was also a sign that the princess was about to be born.

Pregnant, craving sweet is a boy or a girl?  A question of many pregnant mothers!

Light yellow urine

The urine of pregnant women when pregnant boys and girls are really different. Usually, if the urine of a pregnant mother is bright yellow, the possibility of a mother having a son is very high.

If mother's urine is cloudy, it means there is going to be a princess. But if the mother's urine is dark, it is a sign that the mother's body is severely dehydrated and needs to be replenished.

Mother's age when pregnant

By looking at the mother's age and the year of conception, the sex of the baby can be calculated . This is a belief in feng shui that is trusted by many mothers.

This calculation is based on the hexagrams. If the hexagram for both the mother's age and the year of birth of the baby are even, it is a girl. If 1 hexagram is even, if 1 hexagram is odd then it is a boy.

Pregnant, craving sweet is a boy or a girl?  A question of many pregnant mothers!

Use a wedding ring to determine the sex of the pregnancy

In addition to relying on having a sweet craving for a boy or a girl, a mother can use this rather psychic wedding ring. However this is also very popular.

Just use the strap of the wedding ring and hold it in front of the pregnant belly. If the ring moves around, it's a boy. If the ring moves like a pendulum, it's a girl.

Breast size

Mothers pregnant with boys often have the right breast growing larger than the left breast. However, this sign is ambiguous and difficult to determine because often the mother's breasts are not equal.

Low belly

A low belly is a sign many believe that a mother is pregnant with a baby boy.

Pregnant, craving sweet is a boy or a girl?  A question of many pregnant mothers!


Experience of pregnant mothers shows that if the mother's heart rate is> 140 / minute, she will be pregnant with a daughter. And if the mother's heart rate is <140 / min, the son will be pregnant.

Facial skin deteriorated

Experience of pregnant mothers shows that if the mother is pregnant with a son, her facial skin will deteriorate. Whereas if the mother is pregnant with her daughter, her skin tends to be prettier.

Mother has the answer to the question of a boy or a girl who likes to eat sweet. In general, sex prediction by considering whether pregnant with a sweet craving is a boy or a girl or other measures are for reference only. The best mother to buy for children neutral colors and utensils ready to wait for the baby is born!

See more:

How to care for newborn boys is scientifically and safely standard in the first 3 months of life

12 ways to choose the sex of the fetus according to the natural method

How to sex the fetus from the 11th week using Nub method


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Pregnant, craving sweet is a boy or a girl? A question of many pregnant mothers!

Pregnant, craving sweet is a boy or a girl? A question of many pregnant mothers!

Having a sweet pregnancy to be a boy or a girl is the question of many pregnant mothers. According to folk experience, the taste of the pregnant mother can guess the sex of the fetus.