» How to
How to use the Sony Opera TV app store
How to use the Sony Opera TV app store
The Opera TV app store gives you a variety of exciting game, music, sports and video extensions. The following article will guide you on how to install new applications from the Opera TV Store.
A note for you is that before you start to download the application, you need to be connected to the network for your TV ( How to connect to the network on Sony TVs ).
Step 1: Use the Remote press to select the DISCOVER key .
Step 2: Then, press the Down button on the remote to 4 times to reach the Opera TV Store card. Then, select the Opera Store Menu on the left to access the app store.
Step 3: In the Opera TV Store there will now be many applications, you can select the tab All to see all the applications in it.
Step 4: Then, find the application you want to use, choose Add to my apps to be able to quickly launch the application without having to spend time searching next time. Here, WebTech360 chooses the Zing TV app.
Step 5: Then, when you've selected the apps you want to use, go to the My Apps section to access the selected apps.
Step 6: Now, if you do not want to use any application, you choose to go to Menu, select Delete application, then select the application you want to delete. After selecting the apps you want to delete, select Done to delete the app.
It's very simple to access, use and delete apps from the Opera Store, right? If you still do not know what action, please leave comments below so that WebTech360 can assist you.