Eating black sesame during pregnancy brings great benefits for both mother and baby
Modern medicine as well as traditional medicine have recognized the benefits of black sesame (also known as black sesame). This is a very good food for both pregnant mothers and fetuses. So how should mothers use black sesame to make the most of the benefits of this kind of food like this elixir?
Nutritional value of black sesame seeds
![How to eat black sesame during pregnancy so that a beautiful baby can easily give birth?](
Eating black sesame during pregnancy brings many benefits for both mother and baby
Black sesame has rich nutritional components rich in iron, calcium, amino acids, protein, oxalic acid, vitamins B, C, E ...
The nutritional value of whole black sesame seeds, roasted or baked per 100g serving is as follows:
Calorie - 565 kcal
Carbohydrate - 25.7g
Protein - 17g
Fiber - 14g
Fat - 48g
Calcium - 989 mg
Magnesium - 356 mg
Phosphorus - 638 mg
Vitamin A - 9 IU
Thiamin - 0.8mg
Niacin - 4.6 mg
Folate - 98 mcg
What is the effect of eating black sesame during pregnancy?
![How to eat black sesame during pregnancy so that a beautiful baby can easily give birth?](
Eating black sesame during pregnancy helps the fetus have beautiful skin, pregnant mothers are easy to give birth
Nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, lipids, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins (B1, B2) are very good for the mother's body and are essential for the development of the fetus. At the same time, the large amount of vitamin E in black sesame acts as an antioxidant, helping to prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy by regulating the amount of cholesterol in the blood of pregnant mothers.
Niacin in this seed promotes metabolism in the cells, maintains the elasticity of the blood vessels. We increase the function of the microcirculation of the blood, prevent darkening, dry skin and inflammation of the oral cavity.
The unsaturated fatty acids in sesame oil such as linoleic acid, palmitic acid and lecithin have high nutritional value, are easily absorbed and used by the body. In particular, they also work to regulate the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
Linoelic acid in black sesame in addition to reducing blood sugar also effectively reduces the symptoms of fatigue, dry eyes. Therefore, if the pregnant mother actively eats black sesame seeds, her eyesight will be significantly improved.
In addition, the amount of fiber in black sesame works to prevent constipation during pregnancy and support the digestive system to work better, while minimizing the feeling of bloating, heartburn and indigestion.
The abundant calcium in black sesame can meet up to 2/3 of the daily calcium needs of pregnant mothers while helping the fetal skeletal system to develop healthy.
Pregnant mothers who eat black sesame late in pregnancy will have the process of "over-the-air" easier. Black sesame also helps stimulate the milk glands to secrete more, concentrated quality and better nutrition for the baby. Moreover, black sesame also regulates insulin in the body to help pregnant mothers reduce the risk of gestational diabetes.
Not only that, black sesame also effectively prevents wrinkles and minimizes the effect of UV rays on the skin of pregnant women. Using this food will help pregnant women have healthy skin.
How to add black sesame seeds to the diet of pregnant mothers
![How to eat black sesame during pregnancy so that a beautiful baby can easily give birth?](
How to eat black sesame during pregnancy
In addition to its high nutritional value and many great uses, black sesame is also very easy to cook into delicious dishes or to eat in the daily meals of pregnant mothers. Pregnant mothers can:
- Black sesame seeds roasted, fragrant, crushed, add a little salt to serve with white rice or boiled vegetables.
- Eat black sesame with salad, herbs to increase flavor and increase nutritional value
- Roast black sesame seeds and add to dishes like noodles, curry ...
- Processing black sesame into attractive dishes such as black sesame tea (lice), sesame salt, black sesame soy milk, black sesame brown rice porridge, black sesame spring soup ...
What to note when eating black sesame during pregnancy?
![How to eat black sesame during pregnancy so that a beautiful baby can easily give birth?](
Eating black sesame during pregnancy brings great benefits to the fetus and pregnant mother
Pregnant mothers note the following things after eating black sesame to achieve the most optimal effect:
Pregnant mothers should add more black sesame to their menu from 34-35 weeks onwards
Black sesame is recommended for regular use during pregnancy. The plentiful amount of black sesame will help the fetus grow the ideal weight during pregnancy.
From the time the fetus is 34-35 weeks pregnant, pregnant mothers should add more black sesame to give birth easily and smoothly, the baby is also healthier and stronger.
Crush black sesame seeds before eating
Black sesame outer layer is very hard, can interfere with the absorption of nutrients in black sesame. So it is best mothers to grind them before eating.
Pregnant women with weak stomach should not eat black sesame
Because black sesame has a laxative effect, women with gastrointestinal diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, diarrhea ... it is best not to eat to avoid making the disease worse.
Avoid seasoning when processing black sesame
The additives will adversely affect the health of the fetus, so when choosing to buy processed dishes from black sesame, mothers pay attention to the list of ingredients in that dish. Remember that as few ingredients add as possible.
Do not cook black sesame with chicken
When cooking dishes with black sesame, mothers must pay special attention not to combine more with chicken because this combination can cause the symptoms of food poisoning.
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6 Dai Nutritious dishes for pregnant mothers, helping mothers sleep well and develop high IQ.