In recent days, the social network of Facebook has been flooded with personal pages that have a very interesting overlapping of cover photos and avatars. So how to create such a beautiful image?
Although, you have ever changed the cover image to your favorite team , 6-color effects , French flags to use videos to make avartar Facebook, but it is not as beautiful as the cover image and the avatar matches with this. So invite you to follow the article below of to know how to do it:
How to create an avatar image and cover Facebook image match
Step 1: First, visit the Timeline Cover Banner page to create a matching Facebook avatar. When accessing that interface appears as shown below, click Get Adobe Flash Player , select Continue to allow Flash to run offline.
Step 2: Soon you will see the interface of creating cover image and Facebook avatar overlap, click Upload Photo to upload photos for editing. You should choose photos with large size, horizontal image as when making a Facebook cover photo so it won't be blurred.
Step 3: Open Open window , navigate to the image storage to select the image, and then click Open to open the image.
Step 4: Next, drag the points at the edge of the image to adjust the image size accordingly, when finished editing, click Next Step to move to the next step.
Step 5: At this time, you will see the preview image, if not satisfied then click Back to editor to edit, and like that then click Download Profile Pic to download Facebook avatar. Then, click on Download cover to download a new Facebook cover image. Note the name of 2 different images for easy identification.
Step 6: Now, open your personal Facebook and proceed to change your avatar and Facebook cover image as usual, you do not need to adjust anything, just click Save changes and you 're done.
Step 7: Finally, personal page and enjoy "results" only.
Video tutorial on creating covers and Facebook avatars is identical
With just a few very simple steps, you have created yourself a fairly unique Facebook avatar. Isn't it great, guys?
I wish you successful implementation!