She gave birth to drink sugarcane juice, good or bad? The answers from the nutritionist below will help mothers somewhat feel more secure when drinking cane juice during lactation.
Can you give birth to drink sugarcane juice?
According to nutrition experts, with many healthy nutrients, you can completely drink sugarcane juice during breastfeeding. Because after birth is the time when the body needs calories to have enough energy to care for and feed the baby.
When breastfeeding, it takes about 1,800-2,000 calories / day. Sugar cane juice is rich in calorie content, so it will be a suitable source for pregnant mothers.
Does drinking cane juice affect breast milk?
Sugarcane juice is considered a safe drink for lactating women, does not affect the quality of breast milk, but on the contrary has many benefits.
This is a drink that mothers should drink with water, fresh milk, and a healthy drink while breastfeeding. Here are some of the benefits of cane juice for mothers after giving birth:
Helps increase lactation
Promote the development of baby's bones and brain
Sugar cane juice is the drink that provides the best water, vitamins and electrolytes for the body. On hot and dry days, drinking sugar cane juice will make you feel alert and make up for the lost water
In addition, sugarcane juice is resistant to fungi and bacteria. This helps to protect your baby from harmful bacteria
Drinking cane juice is safer and healthier than caffeinated beverages like tea or coffee
So if you are craving a glass of cane juice, don't hesitate. However, nursing mothers often have weak digestive systems, so mothers need to pay attention to the following things.
Notes on how to drink this water for new mothers
To ensure food safety and health and health, postpartum mothers should only consume a moderate amount, about 500ml of cane juice per day and should choose fresh sugarcane, go directly to squeeze water to ensure hygiene. .
In addition, absolutely should avoid drinking cold cane juice with lots of ice for the following reasons:
Consuming a low temperature food or drink will cause the blood vessels in the stomach and intestines to constrict, hindering digestion.
Newborn mothers after vigorous exercise or exercise using ice immediately will easily lose heat balance, even worse than heat shock.
This drink is also thought to prevent the uterus from shrinking as it originally did
Can you eat sugar cane after birth? Is it as good as drinking cane juice?
Many people believe that, after giving birth in the first 6 months, you should not eat sugarcane because it will not be able to overcome postpartum stretch marks.
However, this has been denied by specialist doctors. It is very important to provide the necessary nutrients or nourishment for postpartum mothers, especially protein in pork, beef, eggs, milk and calcium.
Therefore, after giving birth, mothers can eat sugarcane normally, only abstain from mothers with diabetes because they do not eat sweet.
In addition to drinking sugarcane juice, she should combine with other dairy drinks such as:
Fresh milk
Roasted black sesame seeds mixed with warm water
Jackfruit leaves boil drinking water
Bud buds, leaves
Cheek grind filtered for drinking water
Water legumes
Then boil for drinking water
Roasted brown rice water
Soy milk, longevity milk
Besides drinks that are good for breast milk to drink, while breastfeeding, mothers should also stay away from some drinking water, stimulant drinks that are harmful to the mother's health and affect the source of breast milk. babies like coffee, carbonated soft drinks, green tea, energy drinks, ...
These drinks will easily cause caffeine to be excreted in milk, making it difficult for babies to sleep and become irritable.
See more:
Can you drink cane juice after giving birth? Unexpected benefits from cane juice
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