How many degrees of air-conditioned room is it safe for your child to sleep?

Air conditioning for babies is the decisive factor to help your baby sleep well as well as prevent sudden death of newborns. However, what should this temperature be to ensure the health of the child?

The important role of baby's air conditioning in its sleep

During the first years of life, babies develop at a rapid rate both physically and brain. The baby's metabolism is therefore also much stronger than that of adults. In addition, children have a fast working circulatory system, which generates a lot of excess heat but has an ineffective heat waste system. This is also the reason why the child's body temperature is always higher than that of adults. Children often sweat and easily feel hot and uncomfortable even in an environment where the temperature is 28-29 degrees Celsius.

How many degrees of air-conditioned room is it safe for your child to sleep?

The right bedroom temperature will help children feel comfortable and sleep deeply. But most importantly, it can help prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), one of the great fears for many parents when a baby is clearly healthy but may die suddenly. sudden while sleeping.

According to research data, room temperature (overheating) has been shown to be a possible cause of SIDS. Therefore, experts advise parents to ensure your baby's room is at a temperature between 18 ° C-21 ° C (room temperature is not the temperature of the air conditioner); However, this temperature also depends on the living environment as well as the climate in each place.

What should parents keep in mind about the air conditioning for babies?

Putting your baby in an air conditioned room in the summer is an effective way to ensure your baby gets a deep sleep. However, if you do not know how to use it properly, too low or too high air conditioning can cause negative effects on the health of the child, especially the respiratory system. Therefore, parents should note the following important rules.

How many degrees of air-conditioned room is it safe for your child to sleep?

Air conditioning is not the same as room temperature 

When experts recommend that the baby's sleeping area temperature should be between 18-21 degrees Celsius, this means that this is the room temperature, not the temperature figure on the air conditioner alone. Sometimes the temperature of the air conditioner and the room temperature will have a significant difference. So there will be no standard number of suitable air-conditioning temperatures for your baby. Parents can put an extra thermometer in the room and set the timer of the air conditioner so that the baby does not get too cold or too hot.

Make sure the room has enough humidity 

Using the air conditioner continuously will affect the humidity in the room, thereby making the baby more susceptible to dry skin and dry nose, which is not good for the child's health.

How many degrees of air-conditioned room is it safe for your child to sleep?

For newborn babies to feel comfortable, comfortable and without skin problems when using air-conditioned rooms, parents should apply the following humidification methods:

Place a pot of water or a large mouth water bottle in the room

Use air conditioning in combination with a nebulizer

Choose an air conditioner that protects your skin - controls moisture

Avoid placing your baby to sleep in a location where direct cold air is flowing 

This is also very important so parents need to pay attention when placing the child's bed. Choose a cool location and away from the right air-conditioning.

Dress your baby appropriately

Children should wear clothes that absorb sweat well. When lying in air, parents avoid wearing too many layers of clothes for the baby. You should wear thin, wrapped clothing (like a blanket that won't slip off). In the book Raising a Child Is Not A War, the authors also recommend that parents wrap or use a sleeping bag for their baby.

How many degrees of air-conditioned room is it safe for your child to sleep?

Wrapping the baby helps the baby feel as tight as when he was in the womb, the baby feels comfortable and safe, so many babies are wrapped up to stop crying or they can sleep easily. Only wrap when your baby shows signs of drowsiness and bedtime (according to the EASY schedule) and up to 4 months can not wrap anymore. The material of the wrap needs good elasticity for the baby to feel comfortable.

In a nutshell, infant air conditioning needs to be suitable to keep the temperature in the nursery from 18-21 degrees C the best. Parents should pay attention to ensure the safety of the child's health!

See more: 

Air-conditioned infants and potential dangers

Find a solution to your anxiety: Should babies stay in air?

How are babies lying down so that they don't get sick?

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