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PUBG: How to enter the secret vault on Vikendi map

PUBG: How to enter the secret vault on Vikendi map

How to enter the secret tunnel in the Vikendi map of the PUBG survival game.

How to change the color of blood in the game PUBG

How to change the color of blood in the game PUBG

Changing the color of blood in this survival shooter game will help a lot, we can easily observe the forward shot and find ways to adjust the mind to be really effective.

PUBG: Ranking the best sniper guns in the game

PUBG: Ranking the best sniper guns in the game

When participating in the PUBG arena, even if you are a gamer without many tactics, sometimes you will still win easily with the sniper guns in the game because of the great damage and the ability to destroy the opponent. easy players, seasoned gamers

PUBG: Solo and Squad, which mode should be more suitable for you?

PUBG: Solo and Squad, which mode should be more suitable for you?

Here are the different comparison elements between Solo and Squad modes in PUBG to help you choose which mode is more appropriate for your gameplay.

PUBG: Gun combos to choose for a more effective fight

PUBG: Gun combos to choose for a more effective fight

How to combine two different types of guns in PUBG will help you fight more effectively and easily kill more enemies.

Things to know about energy drinks in PUBG

Things to know about energy drinks in PUBG

But you need to have other items to be able to fix mistakes, specifically here are recovery items. Necessities like Energy Drink, Painkillers and Adrenaline Synringe. Here are the uses and their specific properties for those

How to download PUBG PC and configure the computer to play PUBG

How to download PUBG PC and configure the computer to play PUBG

PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds, the survival shooter game is storming in the action game rankings, the current hot level of PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds is undisputed, participating in the game, players will participate in the fierce battle. paralysis,

PUBG: Some terms for beginners

PUBG: Some terms for beginners

Slang in the game is a factor that helps players win, certainly, when familiarizing the game for a long time, you will name the items, places or other elements in the game, if you are a newbie. I don't know or understand the game

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