iKill - Prevent virus from spreading via USB

iKill, Among the many solutions to prevent viruses from spreading via USB, iKill is quite a useful tool.

    • Release: ArpanTECH
    • Version:
    • Usage: Free
    • Size: 441.2 KB
    • View: 16,285
    • Download: 16,213
    • Day:
    • Requirements: Windows NT / 2000 / XP / 7

Today, USB portable storage devices are very close to the user. Compact, cheap and especially effective when it comes to sharing data in working environments such as offices, schools ... However, these devices are becoming a concern as they cause a lot of trouble. most to users by virus problems. Among the many solutions to prevent viruses from spreading via USB, iKill is quite a useful tool.

iKill - Prevent virus from spreading via USB

Mobile devices can be USB flash drives, an iPod, mp3 player, cell phone. All of them have the ability to hold data and also carry ... viruses at the same time. When connecting to the computer, any time the user double-clicks the device, the virus or trojan will automatically execute thanks to the autorun.inf file. They can even hide when we use common operations such as Open, Explore, Search etc ... others also use control commands to interfere with the system such as shell \ Explore \ command = virus .exe.

When you right click on the device icon, choose Explore, the file virus.exe will be activated, infiltrate the entire system, then it will spread to other devices and partitions in other ways. can.

In order to offload the effects of the virus, caution is not enough because perhaps in a minute of inattention, we will fall victim to the virus. So the best way is to get access to software tools. iKill is a great choice.

IKill 's method of operation is done through the device scanning mechanism once these devices are connected to the computer. When it detects that autorun.inf file, the program will perform analysis to check whether it is safe to execute or not.

If you turn on AutoProtect, the program will automatically delete potentially harmful files on your mobile device. If not, it will ask the user if you want to delete the files that contain the threat.

iKill - Prevent virus from spreading via USB

Once iKill finds the autorun.info file in the root directory of the mobile device, it will first ask the user if it wants to delete that self-executable file. If you think this verified file is the germ of the virus, just click Yes, otherwise, click No to cancel the deletion request. A second warning will appear after that again, asking if you want to delete the autorun.info file you previously chose to ignore. iKill will make sure that there are no more autorun.inf files left on mobile devices, this is a very great function that is rarely seen in similar applications, such as the Wireless Config tool which functions Helping you establish connections with the machine is also quite popular.

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