Family Guy is an animated story about Griffin Family and the whole series revolves around Peter (Father), Lois (Mother), Meg, Chris, Stewe (Children), and Brian (Pet Dog). The Story is set in Quahog city in Rhode Island and is based on American culture and family values. The voice cast includes Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis, Mike Henry, and Patrick Warburton. The show ratings are 8.1/10 on IMDb, 7.2/10 on Ratings Graph, 58% on Metacritic, and 62% on Rotten Tomatoes. Even though the show started in 1999, it has maintained good viewership. Many people have begun to watch The Family Guy sitcom recently or they are re-watching the series again. Many users asked: Where to watch family guy?Is Family Guy on Netflix UK? Read this guide to know the answer to all such queries.
The following reasons make a compelling case for why watch Family Guy query:
Unpredictable plots make it gripping to watch.
Dialogues on ongoing issues make it entertaining.
Show for everyone as both adults and children can watch & enjoy together.
A perfect blend of humor and sarcasm.
Is Family Guy on Netflix UK?
Unluckily, Netflix does not offer Family Guy sitcoms globally. Family guy is available only in some parts of the world. As of recent reports, Netflix offers Family Guy from Seasons 12 through 18 in only 23 countries like Canada, South Africa, and some parts of South Asia.
The show license is not permitted in other countries. So, the answer to the question: Is Family Guy on Netflix is No.
Hulu has taken the rights and license of the show and hence, it isn’t available in the US despite having originated there.
Similarly, Family Guy is not available on Netflix UK. Before Netflix removed the family guy from its library, Netflix UK sponsored it till the 18th season.
But still, you can watch this show on Netflix irrespective of your country or region, by following the methods discussed below.
Method 1: Watch on Disney+Hotstar
Officially, Disney+Hotstar has all 20 seasons of Family Guy and, it is legal to watch. Some recent reports stated that Family Guy will be removed, but the platform keeps adding new episodes.
Note: You should have a Premium subscription to enjoy this show.
Follow the given steps to watch the family guy on Disney+Hotstar:
Step 1: Subscribe to Disney+Hotstar
1A. If you are not a subscriber, navigate to the top right corner of the screen, and click on the SUBSCRIBE button.
1B. Or, click on the Play button and click on the CONTINUE> button to subscribe.
2. A pop-up window appears as shown, choose your Plan and make the Payment.
3. Navigate to the Searchbar at the top right corner of the screen.
4. Type in FamilyGuy and hit Enter.
5. Choose Family Guy Thumbnail from the Showing all results for Family Guy page.
6A. Click on the Watch First Episode button, as highlighted.
6B. Scroll down to watch the season or episode of your choice and click the Play button.
Method 2: Watch on Netflix (Using VPN)
As we discussed earlier, Netflix has Family Guy in its library only for 23 countries around the world. Here’s how to watch Family Guy on Netflix using a VPN service to mask your true location:
3. Type Family Guy in the Search bar and hit Enter.
4. Set the Streaming in option to Canada. Choose one of the given streaming platforms. You will be redirected to the respective streaming platform where you can watch the show.
The original network sponsor for Family Guy is Fox. You can watch the show on Fox platform but the catch is Geographical Restrictions. You can bypass the same using NordVPN, as we did in Method 2.
Method 6: Watch on StreamThis
StreamThis platform too allows you to watch Family Guy, without any geographic restrictions or subscriptions. Yes! absolutely free of cost. However, it contains many ads and pop-ups. So, be prepared to be interrupted.
Note: Even though StreamThis is free and allows you to watch all the seasons of Family Guy, it is not safe as it brings in viruses and annoying ad pop-ups.
WCOForever.Net is also, one of the free platforms without any subscriptions or location restrictions. This is your answer to where to watch Family Guy series. Unlike StreamThis, WCOForever.Net. doesn’t contain ads or viruses. Moreover, it allows you to stream in HD quality.
2. Navigate to the Search bar. Type in Family Guy and hit Enter, as depicted below.
3. Choose the Episode you want to watch from the list.
Now, you can watch Family Guy for free, without any VPN support.
Method 8: Watch on Project Free TV
Project Free TV is also one like WCOForever.Net and it offers Family guy in its library. You don’t need a subscription, and you can watch the sitcom from any part of the world. The only drawback is that the video downloads much slowly as compared to WCOForever.Net.
Family Guy sitcom was created and developed by Seth MacFarlane. Fox stated that the show has been renewed and continues through the 21st season. So, all Family Guy fans can now enjoy the series from first to twenty-one seasons on all of the above-mentioned platforms. We hope we have answered your query: Where to watch Family Guy with & without using VPN. If you have any queries or, suggestions then, feel free to drop them in the comments section below.