Instructions to fix the error of not being able to download files in Microsoft Teams

How to download videos on Microsoft Teams is not difficult. However, sometimes you will have problems downloading records on Team or cannot download files. Below is how to fix the error of not being able to download files on Teams .

  • Microsoft Teams
  • Microsoft Teams for Windows 10
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  • Microsoft Teams for Android

Instructions to fix the error of not being able to download files in Microsoft Teams

Are you having errors when using Microsoft Teams?

It's great to live in the age of technology and the Internet. Thanks to it, finding and exchanging information, even working remotely has become simpler than ever. The Internet helps us get closer together, no matter the distance. Even when a pandemic breaks out, our work will not be interrupted too much because we can interact with each other through specialized software. From Zoom, Google Meet to Microsoft Teams, these software help you chat and create meetings or study online at any time.

In this article, let's learn about Teams, a great collaboration tool. It includes all the tools you need to communicate remotely from chat, video conferencing to file transfer. Although useful, it sometimes causes file download errors. Below are the simplest fixes.

Use Microsoft Teams on another browser

If you use Microsoft Teams in a web browser, it will usually use the browser you set as default. If you have problems downloading in Microsoft Teams, try using this online group meeting application on another browser, for example Chrome, Coc Coc, FireFox... for example.

Clear your browser cache

Download errors can occur if the browser you are running has a cache containing too much redundant data. Therefore, deleting them can eliminate file download errors in Microsoft Teams.

Each browser has different steps for clearing cache.

You can consult:

Use SharePoint for uploads and downloads

Microsoft Teams' upload and download services are hosted by SharePoint, with Teams serving only as an interface. Many users say that they can upload and download files from their respective SharePoint folders without any problems.

Download via the File tab

  1. Open the Microsoft Teams application on the desktop.
  2. Go to the team chat where the file was shared.
  3. At the top of the window, select the File tab.
  4. Find the file you need, then click the 3-dot icon next to the file and select Download.

Each team has multiple tabs to manage chat. In the File tab, you can see each document shared in the channel. You won't encounter any problems if you download them here.

If Microsoft Teams doesn't load when you open it, wait a moment and try downloading the software again.

Make sure you have permission to download files in Microsoft Teams

Some users said they couldn't download the file, but others were able to download it. Most likely you are not allowed to download that file. Please contact the Host to see if you have been granted permission or not!

Some other questions related to downloading files in Microsoft Teams

Where to download Microsoft Teams files?

When users download files on Microsoft Teams, the platform actually stores them in SharePoint. Each team registered on Microsoft Teams has a SharePoint hub where files are stored. To access downloaded files, go to the Files tab in Microsoft Teams, Open in SharePoint option .

How to change download location in Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams users are currently unable to change their file download location. Downloaded files are automatically saved in the default location.

Download meeting videos in Microsoft Teams

This is a feature that allows users to download meeting recordings and share them with other users. Only the Host has the right to download video recordings. Videos are downloaded through Microsoft Stream.

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