Shortening links is a simple and easy way to make money online. But, how is it best to reduce the rankings and get the most lucrative online links? Go to .
Here are the steps to create an account on
Step 1: Visit to register.
Fill out the form to start registering:
- Username : The username.
- Email : Email address.
- Password : Password.
- Re-enter Password : Repeat the password.
- Check the captcha verification box.
- Click Summit to register. If you have a Google Plus account, you can click Sign up with Google to register with a social network account.
Step 2: When clicking Summit, a few seconds later, the system will notify successful registration
Step 3: Access the registered email.
Then, click on the link in the email to activate your account. The results are as follows:
Now the account registration process has completed . It's simple right? What are you waiting for, register an account & earn money by shortening the link now.