iCheck Scanner is a mobile application that uses barcode scanning, QR code ... thereby retrieving and providing users with the most transparent and clear information about the name, price, manufacturer as well as Community reviews of the quality of any product.
Having been reported by many newspapers, even VTV television and appreciated this application, iCheck is a great tool to help consumers dispel the worry of buying fake and shoddy goods. . The following article of Download.com.vn will help you check the real and fake products on the market and which ones should and should not be purchased.
iCheck for iOS iCheck for Android iCheck for Windows Phone
How to check counterfeit and genuine goods using iCheck
Step 1: First, download the iCheck application suitable for your device's operating system on the download button above, then log in if you already have an account, or use your Facebook account to log in.
If you want to create your own account, click on Register in the upper right corner. Next, enter the phone number, full name, 2 times password and click Register.

Step 2: Then you proceed to enter your mobile phone number to confirm via sms and then press Next , immediately there will be a 6-digit confirmation code sent to your phone, enter code 6 Enter the number and click Continue.

Step 3: When creating an account successfully, you will receive a notice that the iCheck account has been created successfully, click Sign in to log in to the account.
In the main interface, see the sponsors of iCheck, and products that you can order through this application. Click on the QR code icon below to perform a QR code scan or product barcode.

Step 4: iCheck will want to access your Camera to do this, click OK to agree, then your camera will have a blue square frame, you just need to put that frame into the product barcode you want to check. .

Usually the barcode will be on the outside of the box, the product bag, you can check it easily in the box, the bag you want to check,

Product information will be provided within a few seconds, details of the name, origin, manufacturer and feedback of users of this product before, this is also a reference to help. Users decide whether to buy or not.
There will be unregistered products when scanning on iCheck Scanner will not have the certification mark , consumers should avoid using these products to ensure health, however, there are many products that have names and certified as safe are not registered barcode on iCheck.

And there are products without information even though they have clear bar codes and products are widely sold on the market, at this time iCheck will suggest to you how to supplement information about this product that you know, how including product photos, barcodes, product names, product prices, lists, product descriptions, information about the business providing the product ...

iCheck not only protects the rights of customers, but also QR code management solutions to protect the rights of businesses, when each product is marketed, it will be identified and managed by item codes. called the GTIN code, printed as barcodes on packaging.
With the solution of scanning a QR code or barcode to retrieve information, businesses can detect counterfeit products, thereby avoiding the risk of losses because customers buy counterfeit goods and lose confidence in enterprise.
This is clearly a solution that is trusted by many businesses and users, and will create a habit of checking fake goods with technology in the future.
I wish you successful implementation!