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How to insert text into ProShow Producer videos
How to insert text into ProShow Producer videos
Video How to insert text into ProShow Producer videos
ProShow Producer is an extremely professional photo slideshow software and is highly appreciated from experts as well as users. Not only beautiful effects are available, users can also insert text into videos on ProShow Producer simply.
Inserting text into photo slides is one of the ways users make their videos more impressive, interesting and unique. That can be wishes, words of love, or simply a few lines to joke with friends ... With just a few simple clicks, you can do this.
Step 1 : Open the ProShow Producer software on your computer, then open the photos and videos to insert text, then left-click the Add Title icon to get started.
Step 2 : New interface appears, you will see an observation box called Caption Text . This is where we enter the text to insert into the image.
Enter any content you want, including accented Vietnamese
For example, you enter the line " Happy Birthday, Mr.J " in the frame, in the Caption Settings window will show you how and how this text will appear in the image. If you do not like it, you can use some additional options in Caption Format .
Caption Format includes the following options:
Style : Display style, effects for text.
Font : The font to use.
Case : Turns all letters into uppercase or lowercase.
Size : Text size.
Color : Text color
Use the options below to increase the effect, making the text more pleasing and impressive
Each of these options brings certain changes and display to the word. Depending on the picture, content and your liking that you choose accordingly. With Case , we can:
Keep Original : Keep the same as the original text.
Convert to Upper Case : Turns all into uppercase.
Convert to Lower Case : Turns all into lowercase.
You can also change the text size for larger, beyond the display frame, then use the mouse to rotate the image in different directions, or resize the image by left clicking, holding and moving mouse.
An important note if you want to use text in ProShow Producer videos, is that this tool only allows users to use either Style or Color text effects . That is, if using Style, it is not possible to change other colors for text and vice versa.
Step 3: After creating the text content like that, left-click on the OK (lower right corner of the screen) to save. And back to the main screen of ProShow Producer, you will see that there is one more frame, that is the text we have just made added.
In some cases, the text you enter into ProShow Producer will fail in the Caption Text frame, but if displayed in Caption Settings is still standard, when completed, the word will not be a problem.
ProShow Producer's default font is quite "modest", so you can install additional fonts for your computer to use. Because ProShow Producer will automatically update the font, we will not need to install it again in this software.
Another way for you to access the Caption interface is to right-click the image's frame (below the slideshow interface) and select Insert / Title Slide or use CTRL + ALT + B also have the same feature.
As a video in the form of slides, these text inserts are not only for illustrative purposes, but also for quotes, transitions that make my slide show more impressive, funny and unique.