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How to insert a countdown timer in PowerPoint
How to insert a countdown timer in PowerPoint
Video How to insert a countdown timer in PowerPoint
Certainly PowerPoint has a lot of great features that many people have not been able to exploit. There are PowerPoint features that will surprise you, which makes using this slideshow software so much more convenient and great.
In the previous article, we showed you how to convert PowerPoint files into videos for use on any device instead of having to install PowerPoint file reader software. When using PowerPoint in meetings, seminars or thesis protection, we are often limited in time, so to ensure the presentation is successful, you should insert a countdown timer in your PowerPoint file. . That way, when we present, we take control of our time. Below Download.com.vn will guide you how to add a countdown timer to your PowerPoint file.
Instructions to insert a countdown timer in a PowerPoint file
Step 1:
In the Slide main interface where you want to insert the countdown timer, click to Insert menu -> Shapes . You will see the cubes appear, choose any one according to your liking to draw.
Create a countdown timer on PowerPoint
Step 2:
With the image you have selected we will draw on any slide, then you can proceed to change the color, background color, thickness for the border of the frame as you like with Shape Fill, Shape Outline, Shape Effects on menu bar.
Change colors for drawings
Step 3:
Right-click on the created image and select Edit Text to insert text into the frame. You can add any content to the created drawing.
Create content for the selected canvas
After adding text we will edit the font, font color, etc. by highlighting the text entered.
Change the font style, font color, font style
Step 4:
Next, right-click on the created image, select Copy and then click Paste to copy it into the same 2 images as the image below.
Copy according to the new drawing
In the second copied image, you change the content of the drawing to the number of seconds you want to start the countdown and change the color to highlight the countdown timer to your liking.
For example: If you want to go back 20 seconds, enter 20 seconds.
Step 5:
Select the graphics containing the countdown clock, then click Animations on the menu and then select the Appear effect for the clock.
Create effects for created drawings
Step 6:
In the Animations Timing section, users adjust the time for frame number 20. At Start, select On Click , Duration, select 1 second 01.00 to count down by each second as shown below.
Set the countdown time
Immediately then copy the drawing backwards into another drawing like the one above and enter the number less than the number per unit. That means the original picture is 59, the next picture is 58.
Step 7:
In the figure 58 just created, click Edit Start to After Previous.
Create a time to go backwards to the next drawing
To check the effect for each frame, click to select Animation Pane . The Animation Pane panel details the effects that will appear on the right of the screen.
See the effects created
Do the same steps as above, you will duplicate the drawing to count down for 57, 56, 55, etc. to 1 as shown below.
In the images that will show the end time like 10, 9, etc., change the font color and leave the number 1 frame to Timeout.
Step 8:
We proceed to gather the pictures that form a group to appear on the screen by clicking the Format menu -> Align and then selecting Align Right to group the frames to the right, or Align Bottom to bottom.
Create groups for created images
After choosing, you can move the whole cluster very easily.
Move the figures in clusters
Step 9:
To create a countdown timer with sound when time runs out, click on the Insert tab and then select Audio and then click on Audio on My PC ... to select any audio file on your computer.
Select available audio files
Step 10:
After inserting the sound into the slide, click Audio Options and click Automatically in the Start section .
Sound after inserting
At this time, the sound just inserted will automatically add after the Timeout has been created.
Sounds are included in the effects group
Step 11:
Continue dragging the speaker icon into the Timeout pane to copy the clock into the new slide that will accompany the audio icon.
Put sound in the created picture
And you right click on the speaker icon -> Send to Back to insert sound below the Timeout frame .
Above we have shown you how to insert a countdown timer in PowerPoint. Wish you have a satisfactory presentation slide with the tutorial above.