Fix Unable to Set Default Printer Error 0x00000709: If you’re facing error message “Operation could not be completed” with error code 0x00000709 then this means you’re unable to set default printer on Windows 10. The main issue is just a registry entry because of which the default printer is automatically set to the previous printer. The full error message is listed below:
Operation could not be completed error (0x00000709). Double check the printer name and make sure that printer is connected to the network.
The problem is that Windows 10 has removed the Network Location aware feature for Printers and because of which you cannot set the default printer of your choice. Anyway, without wasting any time let’s see how to Fix Unable to Set Default Printer Error 0x00000709 with the help of the below-listed troubleshooting guide.
Fix Unable to Set Default Printer Error 0x00000709
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
Method 1: Disable Windows 10 to Automatically Manage your Printer
1.Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click Devices.
2.Now from the left-hand menu select Printers & scanners.
3.Disable the toggle under “Let Windows manage my default printer.“
4.Close everything and reboot your PC.
Method 2: Manually Set the Default Printer
1.Press Windows Key + X then select Control Panel.
2.Click Hardware and Sound and then select Devices and Printers.
3.Right-click on your printer and select Set as a default printer.
4.Restart your PC to save changes and see if you’re able to Fix Unable to Set Default Printer Error 0x00000709.
Method 3: Registry Fix
1.Press Windows Key + R then type regedit and hit Enter.
2.Now navigate to the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
3.Right-click on Windows key and select Permissions.
4.From Group or Usernames select your administrator account and checkmark Full Control.
5.Click Apply followed by OK.
6.Next, select the Windows registry key then in the right window pane double-click on Device key.
7.Under the value data field type in your printer name and click OK.
8.Exit everything and reboot your PC to save changes.
9.If even after restarting you are unable to set default printer then delete the device key in Registry Editor and again restart your PC.
Method 4: Create a New User Account
1.Press Windows Key + R then type netplwiz and hit Enter to open User Accounts.
2.Now click on Add in order to add a new user account.
3.On the How will this person sign in screen click on Sign in without a Microsoft account.
4.This would display two options for signing in: Microsoft account and Local account.
5.Click on Local account button at the bottom.
6.Add Username & password and click Next.
Note: Leave the password hint empty.
7.Follow-on screen instruction to create a new user account.
That’s it you have successfully Fix Unable to Set Default Printer Error 0x00000709 but if you still have any queries regarding this guide then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.