How to calculate the effective date of ovulation for the birth of a boy for couples

The exact date of ovulation to give birth to a boy depends largely on the menstrual cycle characteristics of the woman. Let's look at how to calculate for people with regular periods and for women with irregular periods, among other effective ways to calculate the birth of a boy.

The desire for the gender of their child is something that many parents in the future are extremely interested in. In fact, if the natural child is born, the pregnancy rate between boys and girls is 50-50, this is the law of nature to maintain the stability of the human race. The method of calculating the date of ovulation for the birth of a boy can increase the chances of success by 60-70%.

Two factors are important for increasing the desire to have a son

To increase the rate of childbirth at will by traditional methods, without the intervention of science, it is necessary to pay attention to two main factors:

Create a vaginal environment suitable for sperm viability

The right time to have sex.

How to calculate the effective date of ovulation for the birth of a boy for couples

Therefore, those who intend to add success to the birth of a handsome, cute boy should pay attention to the following issues.

The fetal's male sex is formed like?

In a man's sperm will carry X and Y chromosomes, and a woman's egg will carry X chromosomes. After sex, if the Y chromosome combines with the X chromosome, it will create a fetus. Children of male sex.

Characteristics of Y sperm in the woman's vaginal environment

Sperm Y is a very fast working sperm. It is able to swim very quickly when semen is inserted into the vagina.

However, Y sperm cannot last long in a woman's vaginal environment that is very acidic. The higher the acid level, the more likely that Y sperm will die.

Based on these characteristics, experts have concluded that, in order to increase the birth rate of a boy, couples need to calculate the time of ovulation to give birth to a boy:

Create an alkaline environment for the vagina to make Y sperm easier to function.

Perform sex on the day of ovulation to give sperm Y a chance to meet the egg as soon as possible.

How to calculate the date of ovulation to give birth to a boy?

The most common method of calculating the date of ovulation for the birth of a boy is based on a woman's menstrual cycle. Here are ways to calculate the date of ovulation to have a son:

Determine the date of ovulation to give birth to a boy for those with regular menstrual cycles

Ovulation day usually falls on the 14th day of the first menstruation. Therefore, people who have regular menstrual cycles need only subtract 14 to ovulate. This is the basis of the calculation of the date of ovulation for the birth of a boy.

How to calculate the effective date of ovulation for the birth of a boy for couples

For example:

28-day menstrual cycle. 28-14 = 14. So the day of ovulation is the 14th day from the first day of menstruation.

- The menstrual cycle is 32. 32-14 = 18. Ovulation date will be the 18th day from the first period.

If the menstrual cycle is abnormal, how is the date of birth of a boy applied?

Calculating the date of ovulation to give birth to a boy: People whose menstrual cycle is erratic and cannot accurately predict the date of ovulation is often due to a variety of factors such as endocrine disorders, polycystic ovaries, etc. This, the woman can refer to the following ways:

- Seek medical attention for hormonal adjustments. After taking the pill, your period will become more regular.

- Take the method of measuring body temperature. This is a method that brings a high level of accuracy and is regularly recommended by Japanese doctors for those who have difficulty having children. Notes on this method are as follows:

Body temperature will decrease from 0.2-0.3 degrees 1 day before ovulation . By the day the egg is released, the body temperature rises again. Therefore, you just need to take the time to monitor body temperature for about 2-3 months to estimate the most accurate date of ovulation.

You can download a fertility graphing software such as Fertility frieno (FF app). One of the software used for the phone helps a woman to calculate her ovulation date to have a son quite accurately.

Keep a thermometer at the head of your bed. Measure right away in the morning when you first wake up and have not gotten out of bed or do any activity.

Try to measure your temperature at the same time of day in this calculation of the date of your son's birth. For example, 6am daily for best accuracy.

How to calculate the effective date of ovulation for the birth of a boy for couples


How to apply the male fertility day calculation?

Besides calculating the exact date of ovulation, it is important to pay attention to the time of sex to give birth to a boy

The closer the relationship is to the time of ovulation , the higher your chance of having a boy is.

Before the time of ovulation, since the first day of menstruation should temporarily stop the story "pillow" to keep as much sperm as possible.

Creating an alkaline environment for a wife's vagina is one of the ways to have a son. Use Sodium Hydrocarbonate salt solution mixed with water (the ratio of 5 g of salt to 0.5 liters of boiling water to cool) and douche the vagina 1-2 hours before sex.

When having sex, refer to the position of the upper husband, the lower wife, or the lower spouse. The ejaculation should be gentle and let the penis go as deep as possible inside the vagina. This will make it easier for Y sperm to go deeper into the uterus.

How to calculate the effective date of ovulation for the birth of a boy for couples

Diet also plays an important role in the way of having a son

In addition to the two important issues of ovulation date and sex, other factors such as the couple's nutrition and health also contribute to the increased chances of having a boy. Therefore, if you want to calculate the date of ovulation to give birth to a boy, you need to improve the following things.

Diet with foods high in alkalinity:

Fruits such as banana, pineapple, apple, apricot, mango, oranges, watermelon

High alkaline fruits and vegetables like cauliflower, eggplant, garlic, onions, fresh carrots, and kohlrabi

Marine fish but should avoid marine shrimp

Red meat like beef, pork

Other things to pay attention to to have a son like you want

Ensure the husband's health. Should abstain from smoking, alcohol because they easily make it difficult for Y sperm to survive.

If the wife has a problem with vaginal yeast or bacterial infection, she needs to be treated. The reason is that Y sperm cannot exist in such an environment.

With the above suggestion on how to calculate the date of ovulation to give birth to a boy, it hopes to increase the chances that couples have a desired baby boy. However, no matter what gender the child is born, please, parents, please respect and nurture them well because that is the best result of the love between two people.

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THIS LIFE MUST HAVE A GIRL: How to have a daughter according to wishes!

Relational day to give birth to a son

12 ways to choose the sex of the fetus according to the natural method


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